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Everything posted by lovepupbandit

  1. Okay so I like completely missed all this stuff with the 660 lollipops, and pinkunicorn123 being banned:shocked: can someone please explain?
  2. Haha!! I guess you'll remember your number!!!
  3. Yeah that's pretty much it. Sure you 2 can!!
  4. Wait, I'm confused, when did this happen and why? and what was that whole 660 thing about??
  5. Haha yeah I hate it when people call me Dan the man, and Danibannani well actually that one's pretty cute,
  6. Haha!! Eh he'll make fun of me but I don't care!
  7. I know!! You can steal it if you want, I'll post it somewhere:naughty: Haha! I understand!! and the best part is they were only $10.00!!! haha I'll sneak back and buy those ones with my own money!!
  8. They are really cute pink with black:wub2: I'm kind of mad that my Dad wouldn't get me the rainbow ones, he said they are for gay people, but so what? If I like them, who cares? I mean Homosexuals don't own the rainbow!!! No offense to anyone!
  9. haha it's fine!! Haha I have a bunch too!!
  10. I have like a milllion Barbie Dolls too!! Maybe I'll post them, I might even have more than you!! But there not as nice as yours for I played with them when I was little.
  11. Sure you can!! i can just skip the spot if there's not. Yay!! haha that's so funny!!!
  12. I'm not that religious either, like I believe in God and stuff but I don't go to church, I don't find it offensive, I think it's a great idea!! Yay!! We have the same name!! D people call you Dani?
  13. Some of them have x's on them, this is probably from the server issues, but will we get them back?
  14. Aww that's a good name I didn't try but I made one, I have to go ttyl!!
  15. To start the account I'd always have difficulties.
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