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Everything posted by lovepupbandit

  1. Neopets!!!!!! I want one! I should make one but it is hard on my computer.
  2. Sorry I havent beenn here I was wrighting a really long pm!!
  3. Yes!! I like it a lot! Now gimme! haha
  4. It's just the drawng, and I'm not done with it because its not completely straight, so I need to finish.
  5. Neat!! but hey you can use my rocket design when I'm done! and can you post a pic of the shirt?
  6. Thakyou, it just helps to tell people, and get the feedback, even if they can't really help, and we are collecting boxes, it's just my poor Mom does know where to go, and I really want to leave, yet I don't because deep down my father is a good person, I need to stop, I'm tearing up.
  7. what do you mean, you see I sort of drew it, then you would have the link or whatever, then you'd print it on iron transfer paper, then put it on your t-shirt.
  8. Haha ok! Um I'll go with ISITM but I'll probably change it all the time!!
  9. Your welcome and umm haha how should I send it? because I don't know maybe post a thread?
  10. Oh if my Dad found that out...I do have friends on here just don't meet em' and I really like talking to you guys, it makes me feel safe.
  11. 6:00pm!!! Everyone calls me lpb now!! I like it!!
  12. OMG want me to make that next? I like that shirt too! Yes of course I'll send my pattern out!! It might not be good enough though, but I love to share!!
  13. Oh ok, and to stuck in the middle, me me me!!! I'm here!!!
  14. Well thanks I do too, and I'm gonna be strong and not let my Mom forgive him again.
  15. Nope I don't, because I'm home schooled so I don't really have close friends. but how bout I only come on during the day? Oh and I'm not technically a child, I'm a teenager.
  16. Oh I'm so sorry!!! and actually that was my fault I did know what it was, I just forgot, Goodnight!!
  17. Yeah I know, but I know all about that sort of "mature matter" because my father is a pig and I hope my mom leaves him and I never ever ever ever ever ever ever see him again. My life sux and I only care about me, my Mom, my animals, and Mika. and all you guys of course.
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