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Everything posted by lovepupbandit

  1. Okay thankyou!! I cant do this one..
  2. When will the next Mika mail be I mean after this coming up one?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRau8hE9gDA at the parts: 00:05, 1:30, 1:32, 2:20 and also the one at 1:05:wub2: THANKYOU!!!
  4. Ahahahahahaha!!! That is sooooooo funny!
  5. I'm having a problem... how do I record it to the computer?
  6. Hello Everyone!! My name hasn't been added to the list yet but I thought I'd start to post so, I'm 13, 5'1" and I weight 139lb. today!! Now when I started I weighed 148 so I lost about 9 pounds!!!! But I still have a long way to go:thumbdown: I can hardly tell.
  7. Hello! Mine starts friday! So are we using this thread as the new chubby bunny family thread?
  8. Uh the dream was weird...I bought Sweeney Todd, which I've actually never seen, only it was a book instead. idk I get really random dreams!
  9. Umm who doesn't love Johnny? I had a dream about him last night!
  10. can I join? I always tell people about Mika!
  11. Ooooh maybe I'll post one later...Iona you have a wonderful singing voice!
  12. Okay so I'd go ask someone and we both come here?
  13. Oh... duh! I skimmed right past that! Thanks! and I'll umm look for a partner, but I have to ask my mom, *sigh* how much did the pachage cost to send it?
  14. Ahem. What excactly is Mika mail? I never know what things are...
  15. Hello everyone! I'm almost completely recovered from being sick!
  16. I havent ever had that happen, but one time, this horse he ran into me really hard because another horse spooked it, and another time a horse wouldnt step off my foot! and the last time I was in the field with two dangerous horses, and one nice one I had to jump over a fence to get away from them! That was the worst!
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