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Everything posted by xBillyBrownx

  1. Heyy Alll! Yes Happy Bday Again Stephanie
  2. Haha that's really cool.. I love languages as well:thumb_yello: So where else re you from?? I live in Cairo! It's gret you should come
  3. Heyy! It's okay.. I guess we're taking it slow Oooh.. Oh yes I know! No I'm Egyptian and I live in Egypt haha.. Where do you live? Are you graduating from uni??
  4. I guess you do. It only takes about 1 minute anyway.
  5. hahaha yes me too.. and it also freaks me out a little
  6. helllooooooowww... yayy more randomness i had a dream about mika where he said he would perform live for me and my friends.. and when i woke up i literally said "cr*p i was dreaming?!"
  7. Oui mais le probleme est que je ne travaille pas encore. Hehe j'attends ce jour:wub2: Alors je pourrais voir mika n'importe quand...
  8. Ouaiii tu as vraiment de la chace!! Je veux venir en été mais je sais pas si ce sera possible! Je vais essayer mais je suis déjà allée a londres pour voir mika en fev. Je ne peux pas demander a mes parents de me laisser encore voyager pour la même raison.. Et ils vont payer:mf_rosetinted:
  9. Ooh interesting are you part Iraqi? Ohh yes and I'm good thanks how are you?
  10. I noe right! About Arabic: what kaeryana wrote was how it's written/read/pronounced... But for most people it's difficult to type in arabic so with computerised stuff they'll just write it the way it's pronounced... does that make sense?
  11. Hahaha aww! Well I dreamt about Mika the past three nights.. I'd never had a dream about him before as far as I can remember! Haha and today when I woke up I LITERALLY said out loud "Cr*p I was dreaming?!"
  12. Awww that's amazing I'm very happy for you!! Ahhh yes Facebook really does bring people together!
  13. Wow this thread has been pretty active! I'm glad So how's everyone? Oooh also feel free to join the Arabic Speaking Thread http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12207
  14. Wooww Hindu that souds very exciting! It must be very hard as well!
  15. Awww we're really gona miss you Please visit us! Goodluck with everything else.... xxx -Shahd
  16. Haha I totally agree!! But what should he call it?
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