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Everything posted by xBillyBrownx

  1. Ahhh this song It actually makes me feel very sad.. althought it says that there's hope it still makes me feel as though the current moment is an unhappy one.. But the most significant part of this song to me is the background music.. not all of it but there's this tiny rythme that plays right after the word "relax" and then after "take it easy".. anyway yes this is my personal favourite aspect of the song.. obviously it's very small but it somehow really matters to me..
  2. Welcome! Haha nice sceen name. That sounds like a whole lot of concerts! But you can never get of Mika really.. Have fun here
  3. Uhh I killed the thread! It's "The Magic Position" by Patrick Wolf Okay how about this one: "Hello - is there anybody in there. Just nod if you can here me."
  4. Welcome It's the same with me - nobody over here knows Mika! But that's okay - we can love him anyway.. And you can also help let people know about him, they might like him you never know.. Hehe have fun here!
  5. i noe riiight hahaha i noe he just needs to accept he's stuck with us.. FOREVER.. MUAHAHAH!
  6. ooh try this one: "to live, to learn, to love in the major key"
  7. that they're gona throw it back to you.. wonderwall - oasis! <-----love this one!
  8. Yay thanks! Nope. I'll PM you now:thumb_yello:
  9. Oh wow.. do you write your own music? Anything you can share with us:naughty: We do need entertainment.
  10. would it be too late to send the package at the end of this week?
  11. yes i think so as well i think there's probably more to it but that's what it's maninly about i suppose yeah i agree! i think "acceptance" is what mika's really all about.. and being who you are and such.. but i get the impression from stuck in the middle that he really loves his family so much that although he realises their flaws he loves them for being that way.. and not any other way. make sense?
  12. Haha I google-imaged "luke juby" and ioana your avatar came up
  13. haha nice:naughty: i love bold-coloured clothes You're very talented:thumb_yello: But why don't you do this anymore?
  14. I want to study fashion design! Except I'm worried about job opportunities. It is? Wow! :wub2:
  15. Wow this is quite..interesting.. we'll see:sneaky2:
  16. It was okay I guess... i don't really enjoy school so... and i'm being very lazy atm obviously nice to meet you too:thumb_yello:
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