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Everything posted by xBillyBrownx

  1. Mika should date me because I'm cool.
  2. Foalbaby14 and I have spoken and would like to be paired up, please
  3. wow that doesn't sound good.. thanks for letting us know you're lucky you could get it fixed.
  4. Haha I wasn't happy today until i started reading this thread
  5. That's so funny I guess it IS coincidence.. But yes spooky indeed I think I believe in karma as well. I just believe that life is fair.. somehow. I also believe in fate a little, I suppose. Not too much but I do think that there are something's we're destinted to do and places we're destinted go and that sometimes we don't get to choose.
  6. Are you guys kidding I love Kate Nash! She's great. But she'd sound a bit too....blunt if she sings with Mika.. But it's possible
  7. Welcome Have fun! and prepare to become addicted
  8. Haha c'est bien tu es une Night Owl comme moi. Nous sommes cool:mf_rosetinted: Mais on souffre un peu.
  9. hehe it probably does.. but the letters aren't actually that difficult to write at all.. (with practice:mf_rosetinted: ) no formal arabic is pretty much the same in all arabic speaking countries. it's the diallect and colloquial words that vary.. haha it's okay.. you should join us ramblers at the "rambing" thread! haha that sounds about right:thumb_yello:
  10. Welcome! Ahh Mika's voice Enjoy.. And beware: this place is addictive
  11. haha.. but i guess being able to read it is a starting point:naughty: yess actually turkish is very similar to arabic..also in the way it sounds..
  12. I know Lebnese does use a lot of French words.. Arabic is very interesting yet can be extremeley difficult at times. I personally struggle a lot with the grammar and stuff with formal Arabic. But I do know quite a lot of non-native speakers who have been able to learn very quickly.. so I guess it varies:blink: haha it's okay i'm a rambler as well:naughty: Haha it's so funny how our dialects can include such different words. It's the same here in Egypt.. We'd just say "Hi ezzayak/ezzayek".. But it's still cool because we get to learn a lot of different languages, especially if you're Lebanese because French is so widespread:naughty:
  13. I knnow wikipedia is just genius!
  14. haha i understand french but can't speak too well.. Hello means 'Marhaban' or 'Ahlan'. For bye we use the word for peace 'Salam' but you can also use it for hello..
  15. Yup so am I. I know a tiny bit of French:cool: How about you? Yeah my signature reads "I love Mika".. What words would you like to learn?
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