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Everything posted by xBillyBrownx

  1. Aww I'm very sorry! I hope you're fine. Cruel (for lack of a better word) to be kind. You wouldn't want her to suffer.
  2. Wow Pink that was a lot of info all at once! First off: Welcome back! I'm sure that like myself most MFCers are very happy to have you back. I'd also like to let you know that you're a valued and important member of the MFC and it really would have sucked if you were to leave completely . I actually never knew most of the stuff that you shared about yourself in the previous posts, although I did have a general idea of your situation. However I never really had a porblem with you acting the way you were. I think that this is what this fanclub is about, that's why we're all here, and that's what Mika's been trying to say to the world through his music. We just need to learn to accept eachother because it's inevitable that at some point in your life you're gona have to say something that isn't completely appropriate or that maybe somewhate offensive to others. You can't please everyone - or at least as long as you're being your complete self. It doesn't mean that you intend to hurt people. We all just need to learn to tolerate (if not accept) the actions of others and live with them. However, I honestly found the whole 660 Wendi think higly unamusing. But that's just me. And I think that as long as you owned up and apologised to Wendi it shouldn't at all be a problem anymore. Obviously it's great that people were worried for Wendi and such but essentially it really wan't anybody else's business. Anywho I think I'm gona start rambling now.. Let's just start a new page shall we. So yes everyone - relax, take it easy.
  3. oooh they're all amazing! i''m gona vote for the Mika jar but i'd love to get the chance to vote more than once.. DaMango - altho i'm not part of this i just wanted to salute you for your effort and thank you for this amazing opportunity
  4. 1.IF MIKA WAS IN JAIL i'd use my superpowers to come up with a super plan to get him out! 2.MIKA LOVES WELLIES! 3.I HATE IT WHEN MIKA tells us what to wear at concerts!
  5. This is a great idea!:mf_lustlow: I'd love to come and would probably try my best but I think it really needs to be well organised and such.. but yes it's great! it would be very exciting... keep us updated!
  6. you actually MADE these?! WOW They're AMAZINGG! I luuuurve them! I think I might even tryand cop you! :wub2:
  7. wow that's really cool.. i think i lack faith when it comes to this particular area in life.. i have a lot of faith in general but not when it comes to this.. it's not that i don't BELIEVE in love or anything.. but i think my idea of love is slightly different.. it's a lot simpler i think.. i don't think any of what you've described matters.. i think love is just.. a type of relationship.. an amazing type.. a special type.. with special bonds.. and feelings.. but it's essentially a human relationship.. nothing supernatural involved.. but i think as human beings we need something to hold on to, something to keep us going and motivated.. soemthing to work towards.. for some people it's love, for others heaven and sometimes it's even money.. but it's not the only option.. and just because someone doesn't get to love it DOESN'T mean they have nothing to look forward to.. or that life hasn't been fair to them.. because one way or another, they will receive an equal amount of joy as everybody else.. just indirectly.. okay now i'm going off point AND i'm not making sense.. sorry about that.. i guess all i wanted to say is that i really admire the way you look at love and think it's very special and beautiful..
  8. I think that's what the thank you MFCers thread is for
  9. ooo i'm rereading my post and it sounds so cynical.. anywho. maybe you're right i have absolutely no idea.. this whole love/life/belief thing is just all about faith.. you can imagine but you'll never get to the bottom of things n you'll never be able to prove anything.. so i'm just taking a wild guess you know.. but i do know that if i find someone and i fall in love and all that i wouldn't really be thinking about whether or not they're my soulmate..
  10. I do understand what you're talking about but I'd have to disagree.. It just doesn't make sense to me.. and it doesn't seem fair.. because what if your one person dies? or if you never get to meet them.. or something.. what if you live in a small town in india and your soulmate lives in canada for all you noe.. it's just weird.. plus i don't think that everyone's "person" necessarily has to have a twin soul to their own.. i guess.. finally i just like to think that everyone's unique..
  11. Who were you with last night?: Myself What woke you up this morning?: Well first it was my mobile's alarm which I completely ignored.. 15 minutes later it was my mum angry because I was late for school.. Where are you?: My humble room.. Is tomorrow going to be a good day?: Let's hope so Did you kiss or hug anyone today?: What me? When's the last time you cried?: That would be last night.. I've been very emotional lately for some reason.. I just decided to blame it on hormones.. Ever thrown up in public?: Not in public public.. Just once in school.. It was quite unpleasant.. Passed out because of alcohol?: Don't drink alcohol What's on your mind RIGHT NOW?: How much work I have to do for tomorrow.. Would you take a bullet for anyone?: My family...and my closer friends I suppose.. Where would you like to live?: Hawaiii! Actually no I'm not sure.. I do love my country.. What kind of home would you like?: A cosy place with a nice gardin and pool What do you want to be when you grow up?: A million different things - from fashioin designer to surgeon.. Don't ask.. Do you like candy necklaces?: Yes I love them. Serious! When's the last time you fell or ran into something?: No idea.. But I don't run into things often.. Do you still go trick or treating?: Not particularly.. What was the last thing you ate?: Noodles. Next up is oreo shake.. Are you a fast typer?: I'm an internet addict so yes, I'd say that I am.. About how many people have you liked?: Not sure but I do know it's a large number.. But most of them won't count when you take into consideration my age at the time and such.. What are you doing this weekend?: Travel. Woo! Whats your favorite type of soda?: Pepsi. Yes I'm very creative. Have you ever moved?: Two when I was a lot younger.. Have you ever won an award?: Nope. Unless being student of the month at school counts then I guess I have haha.. How many times have you been in love?: Once maybe. How am I supposed to know if it was love though. This is a tough one and I don't want to go all philosophical. What do you want to do right now?: Be able to relax (take it easy) without feeling guilty as a result.. Are you listening to music right now?: Nopes. Are you with someone right now?: No Whats a word or phrase that you love?: Transatlantic. Sounds cool hehe. How long until your birthday?: 8 days! Yeah baby! When were you the saddest in your whole life?: When my grandmother died I suppose.. There are different kinds of sadness.. I did go through a period of slight (just slight) depression two years back also.. What time is it now? 8.37 pm. What makes you pissed off?: Cruelty. What makes you happy?: Natural highs - the smallest things. A hug from my mum. A genuine complement. A message from a childhood friend. Mika on the radio. Good grades. A good laugh with my friends. Have you ever had a song written about you?: Not as far as I know. What song makes you cry?: Quite a few. Right now Uncomfortably Slow - Newton Faulkner. What songs make you happy?: Loads. Mika's happy songs. Jamiroquai. Jack Johnson. What do you like to listen to before you go to bed? Jack Johnson. His music's very soothing. What do you listen to when you're sad?: The voices inside my head. What does Your Car have in it right now?: I don't have a car ...yet About Me Hair Color: Brown. Eye Color: Brown. See I'm a special kid. Piercings: Ears. Tattoos: None. Wearing right now?: PJs. Je suis pantouflard. Have a bad habit?: Too many. Right now I'm procrastinating. 2006: Extremely good then extremely bad. 2007: Different. Loved it. 2008: Saw Mika for the first time. What more can I say?
  12. wow that's that's freaky! i hope wendy and her children are fine.. please keep us updated guys..
  13. same here:thumb_yello: i obviously don't know him at all but i hate that he's always pointing fingers and always talking about people as if he was superior..seems a bit jealous to me.. but that's my personal opinion.. however i do like a few of his songs and am in love with the magic position
  14. I see I've been paired But it says that ~Ana~ wants someone fron Europe?
  15. Hi everyone!! Happy St. Patrick's Day to all! Hope you have a wonderful time xxx
  16. P.S. I really respect you for being able to openly speak about this.
  17. Wow.. I must admit I DID feel that way at some points on the 28th.. However I also met a lot of really nice people who were very welcoming and friendly so I didn't have too much of a problem.. I must also admit that I do get carried away sometimes in terms of the way I look at Mika.. But I always snap back to reality and I see him as just another man (although a great man) who is earning a living doing what he loves.. but that shouldn't be a problem because that's first and foremost what he is.. and i do realise people take it too far but i certainly see where they're coming from.. we're all just human in the end and we tend to hold onto every shred of hope, no matter how little, thinking that one day, maybe, in the future, we might end up spending a day with mika.. it's sad.. but it does help some of us get through the day.. i guess the important thing is that we learn to accept our realities.. and that we understand that although mika might seem like an amazing man that he isn't THE only amazing man.. and after all none of us really know mika at all.. i hope that makes some sort of sense..
  18. uhhhh not again but thanks i've actually never seen this before
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