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Everything posted by xBillyBrownx

  1. I'm really sorry please don't kget angry at me but can I send you my entry tomoro PLEASE? Because I have an internet problem so I'll need to be at school to send it. Thanks a lot! xx P.S. If I have several entries can I send all?
  2. Aww congratulations! That's very exciting. Don't be nervous you'll do well - I'm sure they've chosen you for you for a reason!
  3. Happy Birthday Sarahhh!!! Hope you have a FANTABULOUS time! :punk: xx
  4. wow that's so interesting! i'm really interested in fashion design but everyone keeps telling me it has very limited job opportunities:thumbdown: but i don't noe
  5. wow that sounds really interesting! care to elaborate? haha you dooo! it's a very good thing:naughty:
  6. i think there have been threads about this before.. basically i think it's a lebanese family friend who's lost one of her eyes during the war i think? and who's telling her story. i'm not too sure tho.
  7. Yeah I agree! HubbylyBubbly what are you studyig now?
  8. ahh i noe what you eman a lot of my friends ared makign similar mistakes and it's really sad.. but it's also really hard to stop them because THEY WON'T LISTEN well i think that if you really enjoy it and think it opens a career path for you then why not? yes of course it's a waste of money but it woould also be worse if you continue to study something you don't like and end up having to do it for the rest of your life.. but then again it's all up to you. ahh psychological pricing! it's very annoying but almost everyone falls for it! i can't help it i just tend to skip the last couple of numbers..
  9. haha that's so annoying! i got 6 A*s and 2 As in my GCSEs and i'm very proud! screw what people say
  10. hahaha i think it's the same if you do business studies as well
  11. i'm doing two languages as well! (english lit and french) wow that's very interesting! i'm also doing art but i think i'm doing okay! although i started out wanting to do fairies and such at gcse but my teacher didn'ttry to talk me out of it.. but eventually i kind of lost interest! i rerally do think it's a tough subjet tho.. and i noe drama's hard as well because i did it in gcse and got a C although my coursework grade was an A:mf_rosetinted: ahh i know what you mean about english! our results just ame out n the one person who studied the least was the only one with an A.. and i studied and got a D.. it's very frustrating but oh well i can always resit:wink2: (this time no studying tho.. ohh and i think your final piece is very good! haha maybe you could just play along:naughty: if i were you i'd be analysed everyone tho! i shoould be going to uni next year because over here you don't need A levels.. but i'm considering staying for another year anyway:mf_rosetinted:
  12. wow i'd love to study that! i noe what you mean i'm sure it helps you understand people as well:naughty: haha good thinking! i'll try to do that.. except it's so far in the future!
  13. whatttt?! are you serious?! i thought you were like..17!
  14. Wow that's so interesting! I really want to do psychology as well:wub2: I'm sure it will pay off:thumb_yello: haha trust me i know what you mean!! i feel the same way whenever i'm about to write an essay for english lit (example right now..) thanks!! i just hope it's worth it
  15. oh dear that's even worse! goodluck to you as wel! what are you studying? lol yes i luuuurve to study:sneaky2:
  16. Hehe this looks so old! But I'd still love to join Because it's cool! haha
  17. aww i noe i hear IB sucks! goodluck i hope you do well! probably will - grades are very good;)!
  18. i have! but you get one photo every 10 pages it's a bit frustrating!
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