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Everything posted by xBillyBrownx

  1. Grace Kelly 15 Lollipop 21 My Interpretation 14 Love Today 20 Relax 16 Any Other World 12 Billy Brown 12 Big Girl 13 Stuck In The Middle 13 Happy Ending 15 Ring Ring 15 Holy Johnny 13 Only Lonely One 14 How Much Do You Love Me 17 + Holy Johnny - Lollipop
  2. haha sounds like a pretty good plan to me! and goodluck with your surgery..i hope it's not something too serious.
  3. that's amazing. they really do love Mika there don't they.
  4. what SERIOUSLY?! That's so cool! Sold out already?!
  5. lol findingmywords, you anniversary's coming up!
  6. Ukhh same here! Well not 11 years obviously but for quite some time.. It sucks because it's probablys the most time consumming addiction EVER
  7. exactly you should WANT to go to sleep so that you could dream about Mika
  8. wow same here! i noe it's mad! but it's also exciting i shouldn't be complaining i'm new anyway i also think some of us are on here too much (myself included, obviously *stares at postcount*)
  9. Awww it's great to have you here You never noe, a chance to see Mika might come your way, someday! I only got to see him last week and there are others who've never seen him live before so that shouldn't be a problem at all! Have fun here And start posting! Who knows, maybe one day someone else will come along and thank you for sharing YOUR Mika experience with them
  10. I noe me too! This is amazing Jack - great job really! This should make things a lot easier for everyone around here, so thank you
  11. haha aww that's so sweet! he seemed very nice but i was too shy to start up a convo so i just decided to ask if i can take a photo with him (i actually asked if i could take a photo OF him but i suppose he misunderstood:naughty: so he jumped down and i had this photo taken:wink2: )
  12. Welcome Glad you had fun! It's also really cool that your dad told you about/listens to Mika!
  13. awwww that's so cuuttee! it's very nice of you as well
  14. okie dokes but be nice:wink2: i look really bad but at least Luke's in it to make it more pretty
  15. I have absolutely no idea - sorry! I quite like the music tho so I'd like to know as well.
  16. Gata and dcdeb I feel the same way about Erase.. Altho i do like it.. But it's probably my least favourite Mika song.. it just doesn't sound like him.. Holly! Wow that's really cool!
  17. Welcome! Have fun! And I'm glad you enjoyed seeing Mika and meeting some MFCers, already!
  18. That's the first thing that came to my mind as well! It's really weird because I know he'd planend to but things just never worked out for him there.. It's really weird with Mika as well..
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