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Everything posted by xBillyBrownx

  1. OMG Meyer Twins this is AMAZING! GREAT JOB!! You guys are extremely talented! Now you've set the bar so high and I don't noe what to do for the Luke poster
  2. ukhh! i'm sorry he might call you never know! i hope you find a way to contact him, somehow
  3. aww that's so sweet of you:wub2: i hope you're mum's better now.. i'm sure being homeschooled is a lot more fun:naughty:
  4. haha so cuute! i had a photo taken with him on the 25th but i look quite fugly.. but he looks fab as usual.. and i'm supposed to be making a poster of/for him but i'm not sure about what to do.. any ideas? yes and hello everyone
  5. Welcome! Your very lucky to have been pulled on stage by MIKA Have fun here
  6. oh wow! i wish i could buy/use umbrella's they're so pretty! but they're pretty much useless over here.. it's actually quite sunny and warm atm!
  7. yup same here no idea what it is tho. sorry
  8. oh well.. wait i think msn allows for you to add any type of email.. let me try.. what's your email?
  9. i would but it's too time consuming! sorry
  10. Grace Kelly 14 Lollipop 19 My Interpretation 15 Love Today 21 Relax 18 Any Other World 12 Billy Brown 13 Big Girl 14 Stuck In The Middle 15 Happy Ending 17 Ring Ring 13 Holy Johnny 14 Only Lonely One 12 How Much Do You Love Me 17 + stuck in the middle - love today
  11. that sounds too complicated for me (although i would've loved to make smth for Mika ) The Luke poster it is then! Yay i'm excited! Is it completely up to me?
  12. aww thank you very mucho:D ummm i'm not sure what we have to do for the USB thing? i can do the Luke poster also if the deadline isn't too soon (slowness:wink2: )
  13. i've already posted here but i don't think anybody responded ...aaanywho. yes i'd still love to join IF there's room
  14. haha i keep watching it it's so funny
  15. hahaha this is so funny! they're so lame lol! haha is the guy in blue the one on the right?
  16. Hi allll! How are you? --> Revica I'm so excited about our BB mug
  17. Oh wow! That's amazing.. I don't think I know anyone who's gay.. At least as far as I know.. Myabe just one of my teachers.. I understand it must be hard telling your father (especially since you're Lebanese) but I think it's important that you do.. eventually.. who knows he might be as supposrtive as your mum.. Okay sorry I'm being nosey.. And no I'm not gay but I find this quite interesting
  18. Mika has helped me in so many ways I don't even know where to start! He makes me happy when I'm down and he's just an inspiration and an amazing person and role model.. And I love him hahaha
  19. Ahh I'm sure Mika's touched the lives of everyone on this forum.. And we're all here to express our love for him and his work..Of course it's not the end - it's the beginning! And we're all here to celebrate it together as a family.. I don't think 'the end of an era' meant that anything was over, it was just marking the beginning of something new... We're all here for you, for each other and last but not least for Mika
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