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Everything posted by xBillyBrownx

  1. haha i love it! i'm a bit obsessed actually
  2. Lol I suck really I'm so lazy :thumb_down: Anywho i think i will go.. *hears sighs of relief* Night everyone!
  3. Haha i should as well How must one set such a document out?
  4. haha yayy! yes please you choose.. i trust your taste ---
  5. yay! *wait so that she could steal some* Haha i wonder if Mika's feeling lonely.. (hihi i love this smiley)
  6. Mr Ned IS freaky:no: LOVE IT:thumb_yello: Nope but she's organisign the whole thing:thumb_yello: Along with Joan
  7. lol yay! we must contact finkster:thumb_yello:
  8. Oh yes we can definitely deliver it together!! I'm psyched!
  9. haha me too! it would be so.. AMAZING! well not really.. we had blue and enrigue iglasias a few years ago.. and sting.. the scorpions.. shaggy.. sean paul.. cool:thumb_yello:
  10. haha it's very pretty.. wish i could use photoshop! i do!!! who IS Mr Ned?!
  11. he'd never come to egypt either but that's an excuse to go to london! YAYYYYYYYY!!
  12. Welcome back:punk: haha it's like a cycle.. Cool:thumb_yello: Barunka, can I have yours too, please:blush-anim-cl: Mine's shahdbet3akisragya@hotmail.com
  13. haha it's 3.26am! i have school tomoro too:thumbdown: (it's really sad i'm not trying to act all cool or anything:mf_rosetinted: ..altho i am:cool: ) Yeah baby that's the spirit:punk: Oooh good job mika4life13 (haha what's you name, sorry)?
  14. Heyy Holly Haha ohh that's why.. I was woderign why you'd suddenly disappeared.. Also, what's your msn address? (if you don't mind )
  15. AHA! I knew it! lol i think it's past my bedtime again
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