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Everything posted by xBillyBrownx

  1. What's up? Lol.. well i noticed.. although i'm still trying to figure out what people do this:blink: don't worry i am too:wink2: that's one reason why we're here..
  2. Noo keep your hopes up! Please.. When were they sent? And if it doesn't work out you can still see Mika and tell him about it:wink2:
  3. ohh please our election are PATHETIC if elections they may be called.. it's so hypocrytical and they lie so much.. I HOPE WE DON'T HAVE SPIES HERE *hides underneath bed* btw thetrickoflife i love your website
  4. Okay.. I wouldn't have knwon otherwise..
  5. Me too, please! I'm really sorry i know this must be very annoying! Message: Dear Yasmin, You're a true inspiration to many young artists regardless of whether or not they're Mika fans. The art work you've produced isn't just beautiful, but also extremely innovative and unique. You've shown us Mika fans a reflection of Mika's music which have helped us see thigns from yours and his perspectives and have given a whole other meaning to his songs. Your work has touched the lives of Mika fans of all ages and backgrounds. Thank you for everything you've done! I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your work with great anticipation. xBillyBrownx (Shahd Omar)
  6. haha are they unsafe? maybe we could travel in groups i know i'm gona be with at least one other person.. also, are they expensive? (around how much?) sorry i'm being annoying..
  7. Okay I have no idea what you're all talking about but my hotel's across from Hyde Park and i'll need to get back there too I do know it's a long distance from Brixton.. so what would my transport options be? thansk:thumb_yello:
  8. Thanks! You should com to Egypt then:thumb_yello: I'd love to help you make a difference too.. I'd love to have lived in the 60s/70s.. People seemed so much happier.. And music was better:naughty:
  9. Aww well it's not a bad thing having someone like you.. you should feel apprecaited and special because many others don't get to feel that way.. however it could be hard having to say you don't like them back.. the best thing to do (when you're sure about your feelings first, you don't want to be making mistakes) is just to tell them from the very beginning so that their feelings would grow, which would make it hurt more when they find out you don't really feel the same way.. if it's a small crush they'll move on.. n it doesn't mean that your general friendship with them will end (although you don't seem to have that problem).. everyone has to deal with rejection at some point in their life, and they must learn to accept it.. you just have to be cruel to be kind..
  10. Really? Thanks:roftl: So are you! I go to a British school.. Have funnn! and be good! ...maybe not:naughty: Haha it doesn't matter what your talent is as long as you have one really:thumb_yello:
  11. Haha great It sounds like mika too. i think.
  12. Lucky! I never got a chance to paint something and send Can you share them with us:wink2:
  13. haha fair enough! wow that is so coool! it's winter over here:thumbdown: i wonder what it'ss like experiencing summer in DECEMBER!
  14. yeah i think you're right:thumb_yello: haha! well don't worry because if you have a problem then we all do as well:wink2: i hope not:blink:
  15. that's REALLY good! you should go to bed early tonight then
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