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Everything posted by xBillyBrownx

  1. It's great to have you here! Also a bit late but congratulations - the idea behind your lounge is really great! Welcome and have fun
  2. Ooh this is interesting..although it feels funny talking about yourself My name is Shahd. I'm from Egypt! But i don't live in a pyrimid.. and my father isn't a pharoah.. i love anylising things and people in my own weird ways.. i'm turning 17 on march the 26th, and i go to uni next year! i find this idea a bit scary.. but liberating nontheless.. i believe in equality in all its forms.. and i have strange theories about life.. i'm (usually) proud of who i am.. i do'nt know what i want to do with my life but i do know i don't want to be another brick in the wall.. i'm also very interested in psychology.. and i love art/painting.. i think that's enough.. sorry it's a bit boring *goes back to daydreaming about mika*
  3. sorry for being nosey but where did you buy them?
  4. Welcome Hope you have fun! Lots of laughs here also..
  5. haha i'm gooood:thumb_yello: you? random question: anybody here ever used seetickets?
  6. hmmm..i don't really like it..but i've never heard any of his other songs so i can't judge really..
  7. uhhhh i wish i had a story to tell!
  8. haha he IS hot:mf_lustslow: which ones:naughty: so am i! i only got two hours of sleep last night:thumbdown: how's school? haha it's nice and sunny! how about over there?
  9. I'm goood:thumb_yello: a bit tired:mf_rosetinted: Yayy! any special reason? hahaha HEYY:)
  10. Not sure.. but i heard about abbeycourthotel
  11. OMG they're so cool! THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU GUYS FOR DOING THIS! it's great! hihi i can even see mine
  12. i expected people to be more excited about this
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