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Everything posted by xBillyBrownx

  1. Favourite cover he had done so far: Same jeans! Least favourite cover: hmm.. not sure Favourite song: Stuck in the middle Least favourite song/song you don't listen that much: Erase? I think... Song that gives you a weird/special feeling: Relax.. I LOVE the backgroud music. Song that makes you really happy: Lollipop! It's demented but a lot of fun nonetheless.. Song that makes you down/sad: Any Other World [/b]
  2. Yayyy! Thanks:thumb_yello: Btw, what was it that happened with your brother?
  3. Oooh nice Diet coke and a pizza please? And about your brother hmm maybe i would start using it more once i have more people on it.. mine's myspace.com/shishabisha what's yours?
  4. Welcome Hope you have fun here! ...we all knnow who Mika is and understand how hard it is not to obsess over his music!
  5. Really? I think facebook's a lot easier to use! Maybe it's because i find people easier or facebook. Yes so do we! My MFC is slow too! I do'nt noe why..
  6. it is hard.. so what else are you guys interested in apart from Mika
  7. hmm.. so what can you serve us:wink2: i have but i don't use it! i've only got like robbie williams and jack johnson on it lol.. i do use facebook.. do you?
  8. haha no i think i'm just a good kid:wink2: i think the key is to try and ignore some of the annoying comments
  9. I'm good thanks you? i love your signature!.. love the song
  10. Ooooh.. the weather was great here too! so where's everybody?
  11. it all started in the Oldlings thread...
  12. ahh yes the sea was really cool i tanned a lot too. hey sarahh!
  13. haha yes i hardly ever ague with my mum it's really weird.. i guess i'm a strange teenager
  14. haha you should come! it's a lot of fun.. i've already been to germany.. but only to hamburgh
  15. haha! aww get well soon but does that mean you got to skip school?
  16. Yeah we really do! Thanks a lot:thumb_yello:
  17. hahaha! It's okay.. a bit tired because i'm lacking sleeeep tho! are you back at school yet?
  18. I'm good thanks! How are youu? When did you end up going to bed hehe?
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