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Everything posted by xBillyBrownx

  1. i don't have photoshop!! ME TOO:thumbdown:
  2. oh wowww that would be AMAZINGGG:mf_lustslow:
  3. i like dilmah! i love any tea with milk.. and vanilla flavored tea!!
  4. yeah they're good..but mika IS better.. he's more special/different:wub2:
  5. it's pretty hot! doesn't rain much.. only for like a week in the winter (happens to be this week hehe).. apart from that it's very sunny.. we have normal buildings! (not pyrimids as most ppl would think ) but most ppl live in apartments not houses.. what'sthe weather like in canada?
  6. haha thanks a bit hard to pronounce tho.. yours too! how was your day? ooh i just had luch! how was work today?
  7. kk xx it's been okay! back to school tomoro:thumbdown: not very exciting.. yours? i'm good thanks it's shahd..from egypt hehe
  8. i'm good thanks! yes i love too okay goodluck with that! but come back:thumb_yello: good thanks:cool: and youu?
  9. oh lucky! i only got three weeks and i was happy:thumbdown: goodluck with going back to uni!
  10. hehe i'm still here i'm good too thanks how was your day?
  11. hey clare! heyy! how are you? how's everyone doing?
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