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Everything posted by huikings

  1. hey guys i hope u hvn't forgotten me yet! it's been a while since i was last here.... cuz school juz started and i've become reli busy these days!!! okay try my best to catch up a little bit..... thzz the advice given by Isa and the article provided by bitter.icarus (how can i call u btw??) i think i'll buy the Life tribute later:biggrin2: and glad that Marlau is getting well with MJ-boy! how great is that.... i always wish there is someone who looks like Michael/MIKA around:wub2: Neeve, dun be sad though i did tear up a little when i watched the clips..... it's normal to hv the pain back i guess?? *sigh* btw on Michael's birthday earlier, there was an American guy called Carlo Riley coming to HK and did some kind of tribute shows. i bumped into the show that day (cuz the venue which's actually a shopping mall is near my grandma's place)..... erm IMO he didn't reli dance like Michael, i left before the show ended:naughty: wonder if u guys hv heard abt him........ oh yes, we hv a new frd!! hi kaeryana:bye:
  2. 開學勁忙!!!! @@ 1會才去news那邊打個轉..... 其實個人來說不太喜歡種每天都有新聞的壓迫感,, 如果每2/3天才有會較relaxing! XD 而且最大的問題是那些新聞全部都不關hk/asia事,,, 想買mag又買不到!!!! (已經問過2間page one ==) aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii space 記著我們要去問hmv!
  3. thzzz a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! though i dunno a word:naughty: the second pic and the last pic are.............. and the third pic is kinda gay:teehee:
  4. u wowed me:shocked: i hope u are having a wonderful life now!!! and i truely udstand how mika has introduced a whole new world for u.... cuz same on me, i wouldn't listen to english songs/watch eng tv programmes/be obsessed with the UK that much w/o mika:wub2:
  5. 我想只有wag才會是金色的吧 但vinyl買來沒什麼用喎............................................. aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 但limited copies,,我們會不會買到似乎也是1個問題!?!? 其實wag也算是我的fav,,,, 不過最想買是rain/ggg/dr john (新加的 ha) 怎辦?????????????????????????????????????????????????? edit: 剛剛完成了那個清新新聲 我覺得勉強okay吧................. 只是甩甩地+冇乜feel 是mika平常live唱得太好罷了! 大家不要那麼挑剔~ hahaha
  6. c'mon! distance should not be a matter if u truely like her:teehee: (like the way i luv mikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) oh that's great!! this is my 1st year so i hv to take the introductory course first:biggrin2:
  7. 1000 copies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 死! 好吸引啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  8. hi tegan :bye: how are ya?

    we are having some questions abt the parcel u mentioned in our thread.... does that mean u guys are gonna put things together and gv the pack to mika when he comes to Australia?? and the New Zealanders hv already joined this? and we are interested in the deadline for sending u things also!


    thzz a lot! i hope u hv a great day :huglove:



  9. are u gonna accept her then? i juz think the possibility of me being gay is very low.... cuz i hv crushes on gay boys all the time:aah: anyway, sexuality is affected by both innate gene and actual circumstance. i reli wish i can take the sociology course abt that next year:naughty:
  10. 嘩好耐冇黎講野!! (好久沒上來) 大家掛住我嗎?? (大家想念我嗎) XDDDD yearbook還是先拖1拖吧~~~ space你去補考會考art嗎??? 但唐突問句,,, 考來有什麼用處的嗎???? haha 我們要合照嗎?? 921去合好了 超級巨聲竟然有人唱LT?!??????????!!! 是自殺嘛唱這首歌........................ 叫什麼名字呢他們? 我要上tvb.com看回! 那個looking thru glasssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!! 救命好愛每1首歌囉!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 他在rain裡有1小段算rap嗎??? 又增加了對這首歌的愛意 而且dr. john真的好 i see u聽到有goosebumpsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss btw 今天開學了....... 未來好像會挺忙的呢
  11. hi! u do visit us often, which makes me reli happy:teehee: space的畫真的好美~~~~~~ 我yearbook仍未決定呀.... 如果join都是article那part,,, modify一下上年的那篇再投稿吧可能
  12. Neeve, can't wait to see ur pics!! enjoy ur night:biggrin2: Marlau, ur painting is amazing!!!! did u paint on computer??? btw dun forget to keep us update abt how u are getting on with that guy:teehee: oic! thzz so much i'm no. 5842:aah: thzz for the comments also.... i'll google a bit then! SO TRUE i was sad most of the time today. maybe that's cuz i kept myself alone reading/watching/listening to all the MJ stuffs for an entire day...... luckily it's getting better with the internet now! OMG!! the pic............ juz makes me giggle from the bottom of my heart:mf_lustslow: lastly, i juz saw Perez tweet abt this tribute vid... i think this's BRILLIANT:wub2:
  13. i'm sori i know this is reli annoying but i reli can't access to megaupload!!!!! it's not available in my area are there any other ways for me to watch this? the channel 4 website is not working for me either
  14. Hapi Birthday Michael Jackson!! u are the forever King of Pop and i luv u forever:wub2: so today's been a TOTALLY MJ day for me! read articles, watched Dangerous + History short films + the documentary broadcast on tv juz now..... i think i'm now saturated:blush-anim-cl: once again, i feel empty and exhasuted aft all these stuffs....... u know, juz kept smiling and getting goosebumps and shedding tears. this's tiring and heart-breaking i'm sure u guys udstand:no: anyway, part of me is still feeling great and lucky cuz at least i've got the chance to know this amazing man and luv him. sori i missed ur link before! now i've joined this thing but hv i become a "dot" juz by signing up??? kind of confused:blink: i absolutely udstand this. to me, Gone Too Soon, She's Outta My Life, One Day In Your Life etc. are also these kinds of "sad" songs. i try to avoid sometimes but sometimes i'd like to listen to them at night, when i'm on bed meditating over stuffs... they are inspiring and juz make u feel/think more abt what life's up to. oh yes, of cuz a normal journalist is hard to be THAT powerful. but if i reli got the chance to become one, i'd try the best to join companies which are not so opposite to my own view on news.... ughhhhh the future's unpredictable anyways! :duunno: i always believe there's zero possibility for him to commit suicide:wink2: thzzzzzzzz!!!! i hope u had a wonderful day also:wub2: i can't either.... i think i've forgotten my name/pw?????! or are we facing the same technical problems like the one neeve faced before? i'm only wandering around the open discussion parts these days. i hvn't bought that Ebony so i can't gv our any comments. Sorry!!! but i wanna get one more tribute mag now.... (got the Time one only). which one do u think is better? People? Life? Rolling Stone?? or others??? plzz gv me some opinions!! (though at least i now know Ebony's not gd, hehe)
  15. guys forgive me for not replying to ur posts above now.... hv u read the latest news?? i'm reli down now
  16. translated!!!! thzzz droopsy and rain!! (though dun think they can see here) http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19427&page=14
  17. 2009 yearbook! http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19110 太懶... 我都未入條thread看過! haha 這算是mfc的傳統吧.. 每年弄1本厚厚的書送給他 (btw 他真的有看完整本嗎?) 08 yearbook.. 你早說嘛!!! 下次on msn sd給你 不過冇左我的作品好傷心 :brybaby: (又講) 我住荃灣啊~~~ space是黃大仙吧對嗎?? 我肯定我之前有說過的!!! 而且那次約出來交收ep也說過.. 所以才會選mk作中間位嘛 yeah 我記性太好!!!!!!! 未check tetu tim! 1會兒飛去看看!!!! 其實我也是2天前才19,,,, 大家都是差不多的 XD GOLDEN age啊~~~~~~~ 光管人那個我聽過好幾遍了 不要緊 下次大夥兒1起去接!!! (要加上來自台灣的vera啦當然!!)
  18. 嘩好強勁!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 咁你即係知道晒我地d野啦 可以呀~ post la~ 還有你快點follow我!!! 我的twitter link在siggie:wub2: 間唔中我地都會打下口語... 不過最好還是書面語吧 mika_baby可是我們的親密戰友啊 hahaha 對了 8卦問句 你住哪一區的??
  19. Winning Eleven is a PS football game. i thought it's popular.... but it seems now i was wrong:boxed: okay juz checked and according to wiki, WE is "the Japanese version of Pro Evolution Soccer "! i guess this's the reason the game is only popular in Asia right? it depends. i mean, sometimes it makes me reli sad but sometimes when i know it's not true i can juz get it over. i think it's better if u can get more news of someone u luv other than knowing nth..... so thanks internet! i dunno how i can deal with all the long-distance luv w/o computer (both MJ and MIKA) oh... i always wanna be a journalist! is that weird? to me journalism is a good way to understand more abt the world... and i luv writing and meeting new ppl around! erm of coz i dun want myself end up to be papparazzi or media that makes up stories:blush-anim-cl: i'll juz stay in the place that's playing his stuffs till the end:teehee: what's the dot portrait???? sori i am not a gd fan at all:loco: juz hv to say... today i listened to I'll Be There and this song still gv me goosebumps no matter how many times i've listened:tears: the singing bit u guys talking abt reminds me of how popular karaoke is in HK:naughty: i hv frds who like this activity so much (i'm nvr a fan though)! i sang MJ songs for my 1st time when i last went there and IT IS WEIRD cuz i couldn't get the notes and ended up speaking craps with the mic:teehee: (i "sang" Smooth Criminal and Black or White)
  20. 嘩嘩嘩嘩嘩嘩嘩嘩嘩!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 我好高興啊!!! 真的興奮!!! 說了這麼久的hk new frd終於出現了!!!! 好... 請讓我跟post的次序稍微回覆1下大家 恭喜搵到野做的space! haha 我都是靠替人補習才生存至今的啊~ 明天要去買MJ的Thriller呀btw.... 這陣子有太多interview... 其實好多都未睇番 XD help 你搞到我完全地笑了出來 反而這輯照片對我的誘惑沒這麼大喎..... (什麼中文? lol) 我覺得顏色上有點太不自然,,,, 仍是情傾TMTE mag:mf_rosetinted: 那麼vera你對parcel的意思是如何呢??? 想弄些什麼給他嗎??? 看來我們還是需要問問nico多些details...... 我去問她好嗎??? 還未join yearbook!!!!! 什麼時候是deadline??? @@ 我又要再講1次,, 上次yearbook我作篇文作左好耐但最後不見了, 沒有刊登出來.. 真的好傷心 對呀, hui = 許 ; ) 那個新tweet完全不明白是什麼意思 == 他可能又喝醉了 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD hey 你這是什麼意思啊? 好! 到sunbrella了!! haha 再1次歡迎你來這個thread... 我地可以點稱呼你?? 但我有1個問題... 你真的1口氣看完我們的post??? 有80多頁喎 其實我都係後知後覺! 我是等他來完hk後才被迷倒的,, 完全miss了licm promo的那段period:aah: 所以這當然也是youtube的功勞....... 買了licm未??? 快d買埋licm dvd + pdp dvd啦啦啦啦啦~~~~ 睇完documentary你真的會完全愛上他!! 我保證!!!!!! 還有,, 快d開個twitter!!!! hahaha u needa catch up with all his past before TBWKTM releases!!! LOL 我之前也只是齋睇 (淨看) eng posts... 不過加入過討論後幾次便發現mfcers其實都很有趣和nice的了!!! 真的好開心! 這裡越來越熱鬧了!!! 不枉我每次開電腦便立即仆來~~~~~~~
  21. this's great, we luv u:biggrin2: but is that reli NOBODY around u know that? it must be hard:blink:
  22. brainwaves..... u also made me laugh!!!!!! yes, that's why we need frds:wub2: i'm not sure abt the professional standard of XBOX and PS as told by u guys..... but i believe if u are reli into the thing u'll find it interesting and fun!! i know a man who only play Winning Eleven for all his years (he's 37 now) and obviously he's still enjoying it mine are such frds too. but HK media doesn't give much coverage to Michael's news, juz a little corner on newspaper everyday..... dunno if this's a gd or bad thing:boxed:
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