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Everything posted by huikings

  1. 好啦不過我們要等等vera的意見!!! 我都覺... 好像整本mag影下來的質素更佳! 又要去pageone搜尋~~~~~~~ 剛才看到你在boys kissing thread的post:teehee: 我也在gay thread中留過post...... 看來身處這樣的環境會越來越can't resist gay boys!!!
  2. his babies = Isa??? :naughty:

  3. i once got that impulsion to join but then when i know that the winning vid will be posted on mikasounds FOREVER... i was like and soon gave up! hahaha oh how nice!!! what hv u requested?
  4. umum definitely a mystery. so he's a little cinderella? :teehee:

    btw sori i'm juz curious.. has ur dad ever seen Michael in person??

  5. let's forget the media!!!! oh reli??? hv u joined the WAG vid competition then?? yes tonight gonna leave that 9-5 upon the shelf, and juz enjoy yourself:blush-anim-cl: but u hv ur father with u i guess?
  6. 咁即係我地唔參與這個行動?!!!!!!!!???? (好明顯我都是這樣認為啦 hahaha) btw 我真的好喜歡好喜歡上面2張picsssssssssssssssss:wub2:
  7. i heard abt that organization in the home vids also... (is that? abt he and Elizabeth Taylor having the 1st xmas celebration) but i hv to agree with u THIS'S FUNNY, esp. at the beginning of the Spanish version!:aah: and his smile........... so big and bright:wub2:



    OMG this's reli sweet!!!!! so ur dad was a teenager back then?? i think ur dad is brilliant, one who likes playing video games and Michael Jackson:teehee:

  8. 如此這般.... 我們不是等他來香港的話再動手弄些什麼會更直接嗎? == aftall 我們也是不知道他會不會去NZ的啊! (咦是NZ還是Australia?) 我就是不明白這點啊~~~ 用不用再問問?? yeahyeahyeah 我好好記性的啊!!!!! 我覺得你個名都幾型~~帶點硬朗的感覺呀!!!! hahahahaha:aah:
  9. wow this's awesome!!!!! they sang it so well:wub2:

    thzz a lot!!! :huglove:


    but i juz read from the comments (not this one, but the same vid) that Michael is a "Jehovah's Witness" and thus he CAN'T sing songs like Hapi Birthday???!:boxed: what does that mean?? this's so weird though i later found that he reli didn't sing!:shocked:



    sori dear the pics aren't ready yet:naughty:




  10. ys i think so, little tiger:teehee: okay i now understand and find myself reli silly to ask that question:roftl:
  11. talking abt wii, i played with it yesterday at my frd's place. now it's taking its toll on me..... i'm aching all over:aah: yes, me too. i do believe there's a debt but i think the media has, once again, exaggerated:sneaky2: HAHA it's not crazy!!! though i feel a little bit silly when watching Dangerous dvd and dancing to myself like a handicap in front of the tv:teehee: so how abt u? how'll u spend the day??
  12. oh that means u are planning to go back to work? he nvr replies to u but he gave u flowers!!! haha sori no offence:roftl: yes u are right! i think it's all abt luck.... but i do think that he has seen/read at least one of my tweets:teehee: oh another project! let us discuss a bit first dear:biggrin2: hey 其實我有點不明白..... 個parcel係幾時俾佢??? 等佢去new zealand既時候俾????? 對了 你是 宙樺 吧?! as long as i rmb
  13. oh that means not many ppl know abt ur relationship?? anyway, this's great!!!!! thumb and claps for u!!!!
  14. me either.. i'll use the money to buy other MJ stuffs instead though! wow this's so cool!!! i'm reli feeling hapi for u:bleh: yaaaa asking is the solution. but whatever comes out, dun forget at least u can hv a frd who resembles MJ:thumb_yello: oh my goodness! so it is CONFIRMED that he's murdered?? aiiiii i dunno and somehow i reli dun wanna think abt it...... Beat It *with a pic of him singing "beat it" wif his hands "beating" sth in mind immediately* it's so nice of u!!! i'll wait:blush-anim-cl: i luv Wario~~~ but Cooking Mama is not my cup of tea i hv Gameboy (1 big + 1 small) and Playstation 1 only.... dun hv many games either. actually i bought them only cuz my cousins were playing them so hard when i was little..... loser:aah: *sigh* me too....... gonna check it out! thzz for telling!! juz found that Moonwalker and The Michael Jackson Story will be broadcast on our local tv on saturday! and i've planned to watch the Dangerous dvd again on that day...... BUSY!
  15. literally can't breathe whenever i look at the 1st pic thzz for posting and scanning!!!! i reli reli hope that i can get this mag in HK:blush-anim-cl:
  16. I'm definitely in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:aah:

    thzz for the invitation dear:teehee:


    oh yes, i'm on facebk! search "Hui Kings"... i guess i'm the only one who's got such strange name:naughty: in any case u fail, tell me ur email and i'll add u:wub2:



    busy preparing party already? haha




  17. thzzz a lot for the birthday msg Isa!!! :huglove:

    u know what? my frd gv me a MJ thingy as gift!!! will post pics on our thread later:wub2:



  18. hey tegan u are here!! how are ya recently??? yes there SHOULD BE a tour for all of us.... btw he replied to a chinese fan on twitter saying that "I really want to. Soon x" (tour china)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a gd news, isn't it?? but i was juz kinda upset that i've asked the same question (though "china" is changed to "Hong Kong") for sooooooooo many times but he nvr replied!!!!! then this time he replied to a Beijing fan xx vera看得明上面嗎????? aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:sneaky2: 感謝2位與我最熟的mfcers友人!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (在這裡談久了和大家好有老朋友的感覺) but u are wrong space...... i'm not 競恩!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! should be 競思:aah: 其實huikings這個名字也是這樣來的喇 those photosssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! i screamed and fainted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 好想好想買這本mag啊~~~~~~~ 第1張真的完全乎被迷倒!!!!!!!!! jesus!!
  19. hey girls!!!!! http://www.ticketmaster.com/michaeljacksonopus?camefrom=USMJOPUS_MJ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! does that mean if i dun pre-order NOW, i hv to pay $330 for it????????? bloody expansive:huh:
  20. i'm a little bit confused abt the Japanese EP thing.... Were there any giving of the EP?? hv i missed something? but the Paul Smith shot is....... no wonder why i wanna learn french so badly now:aah:
  21. 唔唔... 是小林村吧??? 我們在香港當然也有聽說過! 希望台灣能盡快重新建設起來啊!!!! US tour的日期公佈了..... 在10月啊~~~ 什麼時候到亞洲呢?
  22. this's the most fantastic idea:aah: btw is this ur 1st time to watch Moonwalker?? oh i dunno that video game!!:eek: is it played on computer or what??? u may ask someone from the US to help! (sori that i can't) i'm sure they'd like to do u such favour perhaps that's only a kind of promotion??! yes, i rmb that Thrill The World thing!!! so poor that i CAN'T dance though:roftl:
  23. check this out!!





    surely it looks amazing!! but still i hv to wait till its release to make my decision. it's juz..... expansive also:huh:



    woooooow! that means a party at ur house?? that sounds brilliant!!:mf_lustslow:

    i'd always love to go to parties with only my frds and i having fun together, but not those in pubs/bars.... sadly, no one seems to hv such plan on Saturday! (my frds aren't reli big fan of michael) i guess i'll watch the Dangerous dvd (again) that day:teehee:



    enjoy ur weekend!!!



  24. will he come to Asia this time?? i hv to wait!
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