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Everything posted by huikings

  1. the Opus book!!! is it going to cost US$165???

    this's bloody expansive:shocked: (at least to me it is!)

    i notice several tribute mags/books on shelf these days but i've only bought the Time one.....


    how abt ya? how are u going to spend ur 29th Aug??

    any memorial activities in ur place? (as far as i'm concerned, u are now in Texas?):teehee:


    hv a nice day too!


  2. OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!! that album mash up is literally killing meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! the whole thing sounds soooooooooooooooooo brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!! 你們有沒有download下來啊??? 我打算放在電話裡日聽夜聽,,, 實在太愛愛愛愛愛每1首歌!!!! every single of them!!!!! 突然有點擔心album release下來後我們的mika仔會大紅起來.............. 屆時又會有1大堆新fans.......... 可能又有很多不了解他但又以為自己很懂音樂的人跑出來說話................. 他來hk的時候可能又會麻煩得多了.......................... aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 想得太遠太自私了 hey space 21號那天我們可以相約1起衝去買啊~~ (雖然沒有這個必要 lol) 我現在真的很很很期待!!!!!!! 因為已經知道作品會很好,,所以也不擔心會因希望越大而失望越大了 fortune是什麼意思啊?? 不明白.... 我是第1次看見paloma呢,,,, 想來弟弟應該是蠻帥的 elle賣得貴的嗎???? 我真的好喜愛這些pics!!!!! 不過買本1粒字也看不明的mag又好像很浪費 咦yearbook有這樣的session嗎?? 我還未join呢 help 你們的translation笑死我!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roftl: 我們是金, 金色的我們 << wt's this??? lol 我們的閃亮年代 <<< 這個超爆!!! XD 口口金 << 這個真的完全不明是什麼?!!! [知道太多的男孩] 看來最正常!! hahaha [男孩知太多] 這個勁青春!!! 好像兒歌名字!!!!! wakaka 救命真的好好笑!!! 哈哈哈哈哈哈 中國內地是不是也會翻譯的???? 出來的結果應該更惹笑!!!!!! yoyoyo!! wow 好長的post~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  3. 仍未上到任何1個myspace嗎?? 不知可以如何幫你呢............................. 我對電腦真的一竅不通 但.... RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 每次聽多1點點,,, 對這首歌的喜愛程度便大增1次!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 還有那個elle mag!!! 大家快去看~~~~~~~~ 好 美 麗 的 家 庭 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 我好愛the pennimans呀救命 決定了要學法文喇!! hahaha space知道hk哪裡可以買到france版elle嗎??? 我記得好像在page one看過但不肯定呢~~
  4. how abt the 1st pic in the new Elle? i'm in luv wif that pic.... wif the beautiful boy and his beautiful sisters:wub2: oh or maybe u should buy the mag instead sori:naughty: i'm repeating and repeating Rain on his myspace. jesus.....
  5. i tried to find out that link in that thread but......... i failed!! may try again later:teehee: thzz a lot for telling!!!! wow u rmb it so well bianca!!!! IMO the shirt looks a lot better wif white pants:biggrin2:
  6. wow excuse me, do u still rmb which interview is it???
  7. oh yeah, it should be!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thzzz a lot:aah:
  8. glad that u are getting better!! :huglove:

    yes for sure he's given us far too much:wub2:


    i'm gonna buy the special edition of Thriller... probably on 29th Aug, as a way to show my remembrance. i hope this doesn't sound too silly:blush-anim-cl:



  9. oh my.............. that means a belt???? what a shame! it'd be so beautiful if it's a pair of trousers:teehee:
  10. so she is at the Beijing one? thzz again mireille!!!!
  11. thzzz a lot!!! this makes me a little bit upset.... i HAVE TO learn french in the coming semister!!!!!!!!! glad that i hvn't chosen german/spanish in the end:teehee: btw who's on the cover?? i'm gonna buy it:aah:
  12. oh god this's not the 1st time i'm in tears cuz of Rain would this be the next next single???? a MUST buy!!!!!!! and i luv BIOTG:wub2: ISY is beautiful.... but not very into it atm:teehee: hv been repeating those 30-second song clips for long... so now 3 more are added:aah:
  13. ohhhh is this the above from an old mag???? hvn't seen it before:blink: any more pages???
  14. 快上mika個myspace!!!!! 有1分鐘version的biotg呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 還有i see u and rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. yo~ 我要post pic呢!!! 在jodi marr's thread and mikagasmics找來的!!! 米卡- 回到未紅時 *courtesy of jodimarr.com* (for those who are reading, do inform me if the pics are not allowed to be posted here cuz of copyright! thzz!) 除了第4張之前看過外其他還是第1次見! 他那時還有baby fat呢超級可愛!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 想不到現在的muscle竟然這麼強勁 還有這張!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 好喜歡他這個look~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ his eyes:wub2:
  16. oh yessssssssss! it's this 2nd one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i hvn't seen this one before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thzz so much girls!!!!!!!!!!!!! i guess i've been away for too long:naughty:
  17. Good Gone Girl:wub2: yes, big thzz to Ms Jodi Marr!!!! not to mention My Interpretation is still my fav MIKA song so far:biggrin2: btw this's my 1st time to look at some of pics in the site..... our boy still had baby fat back to that time, how cute!!!
  18. thzz but not this one.... he seems to be in the same suit as the pic i posted... not sure i juz saw it from someone's siggie!
  19. mfc分區香港總店???! 不是mfc香港區分店才對嗎??? 或者不想整banner的話可以找塊很大的硬卡紙自己在上面寫囉~~~~可省錢 我們真的太有strategy! 連他幾時會來/會不會來都未知就想這麼多 當然有打過中文!!!!!!!!!! 很白癡的 "plz come to hong kong! 香港香港香港 xxx" 但顯然的catch不了attention:aah:
  20. OMFG the above picccccccccccccccc btw i'm looking for another WAG promo pic other than this... anyone plzz???? thzzz a lot:blush-anim-cl:
  21. it's the birthday of a fav singer of mine also so 18 Aug is truely an amazing day:blush-anim-cl: what hv i done?? well, looping songs of both of them and having 2 pieces of cake and thinking abt them ALL DAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY:wub2:
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