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Everything posted by huikings

  1. umum 其實去1趟旅行真的花費不少!! 還要加上gig tix fee呢...... 之前我還口氣大大的說如果他去tokyo不來hk我就飛去日本看他 另外我想說meeks在twitter上的reply真的好random!!!!!!!! 有個fans不過是說了句: i love @mikasounds and it would be amazing if he replied 他竟然就ply了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 我常常tweet常常想些什麼較有趣的內容 (打中文字 lol) 都無法驅使他reply我
  2. vera你那個有點恐怖,,怎麼會突然跑去吃cake但其實不喜歡也沒有意識的?! 我記得之前他們跟我說做rep有個responsibility就是要在funz時向其他non-mfcers fans宣傳mfc..... 可能下次m來hk時我們1起做這方面的工作吧 不過我在想如果他來的話1定要弄個mfc的banner,,, 既然hk又沒有多少人知mfc的存在,, 那麼他1定注意到我們啦~~~ wakakaka
  3. chinese thread何時會多d members呢?????????????? 我今日吃了2件cake! 1件是特地買的,,另1件則是unexpected的!!! 剛剛好呢~~~ 1件for mikabb,, 1件for kukuikei:wub2:
  4. 嘩vera你來了!!!!!! 太好!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! space也快上來吧~~~~ 很久沒真正的3人暢談了 生日快樂呀米卡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 我的msn/twitter/facebk全上不到!!!!!!!!!!! 發生什麼事?????????????? 好想在twitter直接傳祝福給他啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 禮物方面從來也沒想過要造,,, 見到他真人才算吧 (太懶)
  5. oh i think i've missed that interview! do u hv a link???? thzz a lot!!! and also big thanks to suzie:biggrin2:
  6. wow this's quite an old thread:blink: in fact i always hv a question regarding his name.... i mean, though i hv typed the word "Penniman" for many many times, i nvr know the right way to pronounce it... can anyone tell me where should the stress be put on??? "Pen" "ni" or "man"?? i know this's silly, but forgive me for not being a native speaker:emot-sad:
  7. i can't go on twitter/facebk/msn, completely lost contact wif the world:sneaky2:
  8. thzzz so much!!! that's the pic i was lookinf for!!

    Blanket was so hapi and cute, Michael looked gorgeous as well!!:wub2:


    i went camping and thus hv been away for a few days... how are ya??? got better now??:huglove:



  9. 感謝啊space~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 我喜歡這幅圖呀,,不過他的動作有點奇怪,, esp.那個赤膊全圖 download是在哪裡down? 開闢了新的dl area嗎? @@ BIOTG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! samples都被我聽爛了!!!!!!!!! studio version真是好正!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 我也想買!! 如果rain / ggg出我都會想!!!!! 太喜歡這幾首 hahahahaha 最好b-side放個hmdylm啦~~~~~~~~~~ i luv this song so much!! 其實我1隻single都沒試過買 (any singers) 因為常常會覺得只有幾首歌太不划算 vera post ur work here la!! haha 我收到EP時也是愛不釋手!!! 幾晚都1邊聽著歌1邊捧著本art book看看看看看... 也是因此更讓我覺得mikabb是與眾不同的 提起yr book就真的不開心!!! 我上年作了挺久的article一句唔該就不見了 1會兒才去看看那個thread.... 不知可否重用上年的article?? and finally, girls! 他 快 生 日 了
  10. hi girlssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!! i'm back!! 但後日又再去camp:teehee: 但你而家唔可以直接報ive咩???? 好,, 轉回書面語! haha 那個download是dl什麼我也搞不清... 但見到vera好像dl了1個???? @@ welcome back again!!!! 我們當然有想念你啦哈哈哈,,但你消失得真的很久... 1口氣read了這麼多pages好厲害!!!! 我現在突然很愛WAG!!! 因為之前1直只覺得好聽,,funny同lyrics有共鳴... 但前幾天聽時那感覺好像不同了!! i guess u udstand:wub2: 對啊... 不過我也不太慬musical,, 遲些先算吧 我在twitter好像看到今年的teen choice award用了wag做theme song??!??! 但現在很累不想看太多字............................ 如果是真的話那咱meeks好勁啊~~~~~~~ 畢竟還只是首新歌,,, 而且這個show應該okay多人看的
  11. hey look at here!! http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2439525#post2439525 我覺得有d感動囉!!! he reli owns all of us!!!!! 我都見到d相! 不過好細張... 同埋佢既身體真係好多毛,, d毛仲要係金金地色 i luv ur siggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 好啊如果你有空的話幫我整個.... 我真係對photoshop 0認識.... 所以淨係識打幾行字當siggie == 我聽日入camp呀... 要暫別這裡幾天~~~~ 如果有咩好重要好重要既消息 (e.g. 佢黎hk!!!!!) 你可以即sd sms/打俾我!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 不過應該唔會咁戲劇啦hahaha album都未出 edit: 我800個post喇!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. i suddenly think that it should be called The Ridiculous Boy i would absolutely luv this:mf_lustslow:
  13. oh reli??? sori i hvn't read many pages:naughty:
  14. i luv ur words!! u've juz made me kind of speechless:wub2: okay the new name doesn't impress me much and i think it's quite difficult to type TBWKTM out:mf_rosetinted: but i luv this cover, my desktop wallpaper now:thumb_yello:
  15. 尋日冇開到電腦呀.............. little boots ma,, 我覺得不錯! 自從mika上年唔知幾時同佢影左張相後我開始留意佢 不過冇成隻碟dl呀聽左幾首only...而家飛去down先!!! new album title!!!!!!!!!! woooowwwwwwwwww 好過WAG囉我覺得哈哈哈不過又唔係特別鍾意~~~ 但又幾襯番講teenagers丫 其實..重新整過d artwork咪好麻煩囉???!?!?!!! okay, SPACE:shocked:
  16. 哦.... 好啦加油喇!!!! 最重要係唔好放棄自己既dreams!!! we are golden:thumb_yello: 你而家竟然留意起個view上黎
  17. why so despaired dear?? get well soon ppl who are sick!!!!! and i think i'm liking Tom Felton:fangurl:
  18. how beautiful is that:mf_lustslow: u should get it on ur neck Isa:teehee: okay guys, i finally hv watched that psychic vid and what comes to me instantly is that i dun believe that woman! i dunno she juz can't convince me. but i DO believe some ppl's abilities of seeing/sensing things (like the expereiences of Kelzy and Zsina). Chinese ppl hv their own spiritual world concepts, i guess they are much more complicated than the Western ones?? quite a lot of ppl around me are reli superstitious:naughty: wooooooow that's awesome!! thzz for sharing!! this's Beatbox right?? but in the beginning were the guys blowing some sort of metal thingy? youtube recommended this vid to me. his smiles...... i luv 1:02!!! btw do u think Time's special tribute edition to Michael is still available?? i wanna buy it now......
  19. rocketella He's back! Long silly cuddle followed by ball throw. Kept talking about let jag or something. i wonder if this's mika-related:teehee:
  20. 之前1直話叫隻album叫wag... even before wag's release 不過唔知係咪因為太多mfcer嘈話覺得呢個名太唔original/creative example of mine: 我之前將we are golden打左o係msn下面 跟住有個frd問我, "咦你搵唔搵到we are golden既lyrics?" 我同佢講, "隻歌岩岩出, 未有lyrics喎" 佢, "下???" 最後發現原來佢講既wag係1隊外國女子組合 跟住wag premiere o個日我都有聽 佢去左2個bbc ge interviews 第2個 (jo whiley that one) 無啦啦話要change album title!!! 跟住仲o係twitter話邊個可以suggest好既titles就有itunes tix!!! 我仲以為佢係講笑,, 因為suppose artwork應該搞掂晒 網上preorder時album都係叫wag:naughty: 而家有d期待個名:
  21. i hvn't actually joined THAT competition... was it reli there???
  22. 我勤力在tiwtter上啊!!! mikasounds ALBUM COVER IS ALMOST FINISHED! WITH NEW ALBUM TITLE 2 minutes ago from web mikasoundsam back, forgot my password after changing it too late at night... i know 3 minutes ago from web !!!!!!!!! he reli changed the album title!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god... mfc的力量真的很大很大
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