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Everything posted by huikings

  1. "What's more, the overall winner will have their video permanently profiled on the video section of mikasounds.com" i hvn't noticed this till now! ohhhhhhh i'm shy:mf_rosetinted:
  2. i literally had tears in my eyes when i heard BIOTG... i think i was crazy:tears: the studio version is juz brilliant!!!!! not to mention Rain and GGG, they are luv at 1st hearing to me (snippet from vblog + LA not-so-secret gig). By The Time is my another fav,, so fresh!!! my OMFG track is Loverboy though!!!!!!!! OMFG OMFG OMFG i luv it soooo much!!!! ever since the leaked demo, i've been obsessing wif this song!! it's QUEEN but what makes it so amazing is the all new recording...absolutely rhythmic and lively and lovely!!!! i've got to say, from my point of view, WAG should not be the 1st single:naughty: anyway, can't wait to the full songsssssssssssss:aah:
  3. MFC frdship?? that's sweet:wub2: of coz i'd wear tshirt+shorts if i joined....otherwise it'd be too scary!
  4. i dun read the pics caption thread very often but i think i'm gonna subscribe to THIS thread! the essence:teehee:
  5. wow girls u are very chatty: so both of u are gonna join the competition?? i'm still deciding:teehee: and i hv to say, i freaking luv the previews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't decide which song is my fav:wub2:
  6. 不能帶嘛 umum 其實我明白的, 畢竟你都唔係老細 ha! 好啦如果如果真的有這樣的1個機會,,請不要忘記我啊!!!!! 那麼簽名呀拍照呀那些可以嗎??? << 我指今次lenka 我在想 如果他來hk的話我們去接機 然後你又去訪問他 再在gig後等他 最後去送機 佢可能見你都見到厭:roftl: 好叻呀你!! 單對單我1定驚到癲左!!!! 對呀 那本headline真的好核突 個人認為根本冇排版可言... 而且d人成日o係本野度鬧番d行內人扮野 == 那麼 參不參加那個wag vid competition??? 我最近胖了很多!! 擔心會變成1團肥肉在跳 終於聽了preview!!!! 我覺得好好聽呀~~~~ WAG 1定唔係係my fav lor..... BLOTG, GGG, RAIN, BTT都好好!!!!! i can't decide!!! 但loverboy簡直是驚豔!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so QUEEN!!! (我本身幾鍾意queen的) 放在bonus track太可惜了!!!!! 而且好鍾意how much do u luv me......... 但冇呀!
  7. wow back from interviewing lenka????!!! 嘩你好犀利啊有份執筆!! 果然是music lover!! (我太偏食,, 所以從來不是) 但你有份寫都冇得keep本???? 叫佢地reserve俾你嘛!!! 我這幾個月都在cd warehouse拿另1本叫headline的mag... 但re:spect就真的消失了 不要介意人工吧~~真的有好好的機會!!! 加油 OMFG 睇到呢句腎上腺素即升!!!!! heyheyhey 如果有機會in他的話,,,, 可唔可以帶埋我去????!???!?!!!!!!! 我想我的英文可以handle到簡單的conversation.... 再不然俾我做你跟班啦~~~~~ (勁唔知醜) *daydreaming* sori i hvn't seen the questions till now!!!!! i dunno she's an actor before and no.5 is freaking good:naughty: 我尋晚 (今早) 都成差唔多4點先訓 然後10點幾就起身幫人補習 ooooooooops! tired!! 其實我之前有心動過想參加mfcers的那個.... 不過最後嫌麻煩放棄了這個念頭 haha 你有興趣???? 如果係既話1齊參加都好啊~~~但我有d驚會怕醜 雖然之前試過屋企睇pdp dvd睇到成屋跳!! yoyo 講起magic points... 我到而家都未validate晒d cd/dvds!!!!!!!! aiya我地都冇得睇gig 唔夠人多分啦1定
  8. are we gonna watch it live on telly/online??? excuse me when??
  9. 我download不到啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *waiting for links* wawawa 好厲害啊~~ 我知道re:spect! 但看過幾次而已,, 因為每次都俾人拎晒!!! 你是去當小記者之類嗎?? 還是算加入了這本mag?? 今天是什麼活動?? 我只知她會去勁歌金曲 (==") 同簽名咋...
  10. is that coz of this psychic vid??? oh poor neeve (sori dunno if this's ur name or not), cheer up!!! we hv to let things go:huglove: i'm okay now the WAG mika vid does help a lot!! i luv it. i'm gonna watch that vid. thzz for posting! will let u know how i think later!! : )
  11. heyhey 有試聽!!!! 不過megaupload我地應該入唔到.. but i've asked mfcers to do us a favour la:wink2: 不過說真的 我不太喜歡這類型試聽 因為會帶給人expectation/disappointment.... 又失去了1聽到album那種surprise!! 對了! 我記得你是喜歡lenka的! 她要來hk喎~~你會去看她嗎?
  12. can anyone plz use ANOTHER site to upload the mp3 file plz??? megaupload is not available in my place many thzz! xx
  13. 我擺左個vid落電話度, 尋晚訓之前睇左3次!! hahaha:wub2: vera快d上來吧~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 對了 你見唔見到mfcer話佢vid入面著左佢地送件jacket同用左佢地送隻狗仔!!! 同埋唔知你知唔知 之前有個mfcer (oh yes, petition的nico!!) 中風入院了 mfcers知會他後他送了花和卡給nico呢........... 佢好好呀
  14. ys he looks fantastic at that time:wub2: but... is that juz me or he'd reli done it within the period in b/n- his nose in the popcorn gif was a bit different from that in the tiger pic??? i hvn't watched that documentary but there aren't any green scarfs in that i pic i am looking for.... Michael was wearing a hat and some sort of blue-and black clothes. anyway thzz! i'll post it here once i get it:biggrin2: thzz for the vids also!! i'm not particularly into Thriller. but do luv LIVE billie jean n smooth criminal:blush-anim-cl: Pepsi!!!! it literally ruined MJ:sneaky2: btw both the commercial u posted and that accident are at the same year?? sori maybe i was too subjective:naughty: yes the cartoon stuffs at the beginning shocked me a little and i was not watching:teehee: but the last part is reli gd IMO, i like watching him protect those childen!!
  15. do i NEED to be added???? if so i'd like to:teehee: hi England! must say that, i luv ur avieeee it's one of my fav MJ pic:wub2:
  16. i juz found my focus lost in fact. the pic is...... well, not very well taken sori greg!! i thought in the same ways as u!! but finally i decided it's not him, cuz the shoulder and the head..... look a little bit too clumsy to me:teehee:
  17. 有這樣的terms的嗎??????@@ 我還真的孤陋寡聞 我不是喜歡sex喇,,,,,,,,,,,,,不過他是meeks嘛 其實這個vid除了gay了1點外,,比起很多其他music video (like justin timberlake's) 也不是很過份啊...... 他的undie也不是太貼身
  18. okayokay i LIKE you a lot, uknow this:teehee: 拋底褲行動!!!! 很好的translation:roftl::roftl: 之前有itunes飛派.... 我還以為會包機票去london!!!!! 我個人認為人生無論如何都應該去1次uk的music festival,, 太棒了
  19. same here, IMO leave michael alone and that'd be the best but..... and i can't agree more that being mysterious makes him to be such a legend. that's why i'd rather hv all the question marks in mind than digging out the real "facts", which is not possible at all and will only cause harms. i'm still discovering!! amazes me everytime:wub2: i watched Moonwalker on tv weeks ago. absolutely luv the last part!!!!!! he seems to be a sweet person who can protect u also:blush-anim-cl: i juz found some gifs..... @the grammys i luv this pic sooo much, makes me wanna buy the special edition of Thriller. actually, i think this is better than the original famous Thriller cover!! btw i've been looking for a pic in which he was feeding little Blanket. it's beautiful!!! i saw it on the newspaper before but can't find an online version:sneaky2:
  20. space去我的facebook say u like the vid!!! 我剛才不小心delete了之前的post:naughty:
  21. WE ARE BACK!!! 強勢回歸!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. oh come on!! being on tv is the best part of it i guess:naughty: i fully support u guys:teehee::teehee:
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