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Everything posted by huikings

  1. he then added, "madonna's a legend. she's great." "but she's OLD":roftl::roftl:
  2. exactly! holiday aft tour, came up wif idea to hv new songs....
  3. i second this idea. though i udstand most of mika's saying (thank god he has such a clear n beautiful accent:mf_rosetinted:), still, i think i've misinterpreted some of it or hv missed quite a lot of inside jokes. i often look up the slangs he uses in dictionary as well. transcript's of coz good. but if this brings too much bothers for MFCers, it'd be good to hv a thread juz for asking questions abt vid-listening-problems. OH or there is already such thing??????
  4. wow u checked that??????????????? but we luv this liar:mf_rosetinted:
  5. august??? not in "2 days' time" boy:naughty: okay i'm not complaining:mf_rosetinted: and thzz for posting!!
  6. finally finished this interview as well... these 2 parts lmao:roftl::roftl:
  7. not reli. tpbm has alreday finished ALL the mika interviews popped up these days:teehee:
  8. 1st pic on google!!!!!! nvr know this's a "classic Mexican dish"! tell me when u hv tried!! yaaaaa very far, so i'm having distant luv:mf_rosetinted:
  9. wondering the same thing:roftl: ermerm it reli exists?? btw i've made several clocks on my desktop showing the time in London and other parts of Europe etc. MIKA can't confuse me upon time difference anymore:naughty:
  10. read this from Mellody's twitter!!! woooooooow:freak: u are so lucky and u deserve this!!!! thzz for the transcript mariposa!!! that's why i luv MFC so much:mf_lustslow:
  11. hi ruxi!! u know what? ever since i saw u in the MFC, i thought u are an Amercian!! i know the medical scl system in the US is a bit different so i asked that silly question in the "random thread":aah: anyway, congratz n congratz!!!!:thumb_yello:

  12. wow that's.......... insane!! how did u find out this crazy schedule????!! thzz a lot for posting!!!! which time zone is Italy lie on???? i'm confused again.... god due to this media mania,, i've been confused by this boy for who-knows-how-many-times already!!
  13. oh? that's the same wif us... so u are not American?
  14. i still giggle when it comes to those parts:teehee: oh yeah... i wanna ask this for long, so wt means by "it's all abt outer pace"?? i still can't get this despite all the tweets n interviews so far:blink:
  15. okay doctor:aah: btw how many years till u finally become a doctor? sori for my ignorance:blush-anim-cl:
  16. ohoh so we hv altogether 2 German interviews so far.. 1. his voice is covered by a female translator = questionnaire + prisoner pic = eins 2. his voice is covered by a male translator = video + acoustic WAG = wdr2 am i right?? THANK YOU VERY MUCH dear
  17. :toot:woooow congratz!!! u are great!!! i'm having a sore throat
  18. thank you very much!!!! it'd be soooo kind of u!! but i'm still SUPER confused... so, when did this interview take place??? was anyone of us able to listen to it LIVE??? how abt that questionnaire and that prisoner pic???? are they the same?????? many questions, sori... but anyone plz??:blink:
  19. wow then that's weird!! meaning someone else had sent email to the German radio station mentioning "Hong Kong"!!!!! who is it??:blink:


    but thank you so much bianca!! i'll try my best to send emails later on:naughty:



  20. OMG u've sent them messages abt "Hong Kong"???:jawdrop:

  21. the pic!!!!! somehow reminds me of a prisoner..... sori mika:naughty: but wait... hasn't our boy been learning how to drive??? how's it???
  22. hi bianca! it's me again!! blue sky told me u heard from the German interview that "Hong Kong" was mentioned!!!! ohmygod reli freak me out!! can u plz fill me in details???:wub2:

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