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Everything posted by huikings

  1. i'm getting goosebumps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! n juz wanna cry am i too silly????
  2. when did mika come on this show?????? he's been speaking for the ENTIRE morning??? i juz arrived home n am listening to blue eyes:wub2:
  3. thzz christine!!! i'm sure our dear MFCers can get some clips for us!
  4. it's over i guess... but was there any coverage of mika's part on bbc or other radio/tv?? i hope there wasn't coz i missed it all, i'll feel better if there ain't any chance for me to miss:tears: or where can we watch it later on?? anyone plz??
  5. the beginning's reli a bit.............. too slow for GOLDEN okay i like the chorus! catch as always! wt else? erm can't comment much coz we still hvn't listened to the whole song:aah: but how did this EXCLUSIF come up?? mika reli likes france:naughty:
  6. i got completely lost in MFC world aft away for a merely 24 hours sth. how come things here go so fast? i even fail to find back my last post in the code thread:blink:
  7. once we claim our reward(s), will the point be deducted??? sori maybe this's written, but i checked n couldn't find:naughty: btw still too lazy to validate my CDs/DVDs:mf_rosetinted:
  8. i saw MFC's tweet back also, agree that it's better than solving probs on twitter. thzzz so much lovely mods
  9. sounds fun! is that guy from MFC btw? i'm............... oh well, feeling full n worrying my weight!
  10. juz checked out MFC's myspace n i'm now having several questions... 1/ "It will make its radio debut on BBC Radio 2 (out of London) on Monday, July 20th at 9:30am BST." no more 17th July??? n how abt Scott Mill's tweet? Will MIKA on his show as well?? 2/ "Next, we've learned the full-length album will be called We Are Golden after the lead single. Pick up We Are Golden (the album) on September 22." so, finally it's released on 22nd Sept?? though i rmb someone said that this is only for the US version... okay 2 questions! anyone plzz??
  11. gd point to raise thzzz:thumb_yello: maybe wag for single n WAG for album then:teehee:
  12. sori i've got to praise it again, u put my fav lines of the official announcement on ur siggie!!!!! it's juz.... WOOOOOW:punk: buy/do ur own then! gd morning btw, though it's 1:37a.m. here:teehee:
  13. i saw someone mention Calvin Harris before... does this guy hv any space-related projects that hv already been revealed?
  14. halo girls!!!! mika's gonna release his latest single "We Are Golden", which is also the title of the new album!! http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18997 http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18995 好美麗的artwork!! 但那只是for single而已.... 我想在要不要買?? 是黑膠碟啊!!! 還有,,, 被那個golden meeks迷死了 mfc life要開始實在地忙碌起來喇!! 大家要勤些上來呀~~~
  15. luv those bold lines, thzzzz for posting!!! but i hvn't wept for Toyboy..... too bad??
  16. ohmygoodness!! i put "we are golden" right below my msn name, then my frd hi me............... she: u know where to hv We Are Golden's lyrics?? I: u mean that Woodstock song?? or another one?? she: ????? I: WHICH ONE?? she: aren't u listening to We Are Golden's songs??? I: OMG! *faint* she was talking abt the 2 ladies!!!! i'm now a bit more worried abt the album title than before........... sori mika!!
  17. nope. tpbm is kinda an introvert rather than the opposite.
  18. i do, but i wanna stick to this forum also:mf_rosetinted: tpmb has to make decision on sth which is hard to decide.
  19. then should be a song called MFC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'd cry hapi tears if that day reli comes:mf_rosetinted:
  20. i dun think we need to classift b/n the two, as long as those new fans truely luv n understand mika as we all do now:thumb_yello: i only dislike those who come coz he's popular / on top of charts or those who are only into several songs but claim themselves to be die-hard fans:sneaky2:
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