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Everything posted by huikings

  1. oh thz, it does look more colourful! (maybe coz of the size) but..... why that video below the article??? i must say that i dun like that man at all........ (sori to fans)
  2. we bet it's a new one, coz of the hair:wub2: n i guess u can't find this one over all the 22 parts of Mikagasmic, can u? btw i'd like to see this pic a little bit darker... he doesn't look healthy in it
  3. ohmygoodness! didn't he mean the next year will be a TOUR YEAR which he'll be abroad all day???? i got this immediately:boxed: n i tweeted, HONG KONG:aah:
  4. thzz!!! ermerm to be honest, i dun particularly into these 2 MJ songs..... but we'll wait n see how it is on WAG
  5. erm how abt The Tales of Toyboy wif Dr. John Blaming It on the Good Gone Girl on a Rainy Day??? okay i've tried my best:aah:
  6. lets make it shorter!! basically The Tales of Toyboy wif Dr. John is the best!!!! we can film it a cartoon i guess:mf_rosetinted:
  7. excuse me, apart from Will You Be There, which MJ songs has the gospel choir also done?? i juz hv forgotten atm. and ys, Like a Prayer is NOT gd (to me) yet, i still embrace hope
  8. thzz for ur explanation:aah: and thzz for joining!!! more hype!!!
  9. why this woman?? how abt lady gaga?? i've picked option 2 and u know the reasons i guess. but what i wanna say is, for me, disappointment comes up but also goes away in a very short time- i'm now back to excitement:boing: i see there has been much negativity aft WAG is formally announced as the album title, which is not gd..... we've been waiting for this thingly for entirely 2 years!! why let a name bring us down?? come on buddies!! what we need to do now is jumping around smiling laughing like an idiot waiting for the hearing of WAG and the final release of this album!!!! and i know this is silly, but i seriously dun want mika feeling upset coz of all these groans:no:
  10. sori but i guess hetero = heterosexual??? if i'm right then it makes sense to Perez:naughty: i got 79%. You're winnebago hetero. Get the kids, pack the grill and, for the love of God, don't forget the SpongeBob dvd. can anybody tell me wt "winnebago" means plzz??? i didn't drink coffee, so, still sleepy now................ n a bit confused wif the code discussion thread.
  11. the jumper is okay- mikaish in my sense:teehee: but the top beneath.... i somehow thought of a swimwear:naughty: anyway, i juz luv this hair!!!!!! as in all the other new pics:wub2: u are such a nice mum!!!!
  12. i laughed, sori:roftl: wondering if i should drink a coffee before work, am bloody sleepy now!!
  13. sori girl here's one more! can't help posting this up:naughty: i know nth abt photoshop/editing stuffs, so... juz put it in the middle, of coz it'd be better if that grey shadow isn't here..... but that's enonugh
  14. according to my computer, this press release came out at 12:24a.m. Hong Kong time n it's now 2:14p.m. here. but i spent my whole last night here n didn't see this article at all??? GOD. i must be blind?? so confused:hypo: yet excited n grateful:wub2:
  15. sori dear i dunno i can't get it:naughty: but it doesn't matter, i've already right-clicked the pic - juz can't stop grinning whenever i looked at it!!
  16. gd to bring this up girl! i almost hv forgotten:naughty: :roftl: perhaps u hv to tint our boy's face a little bit
  17. juz ignore them, it's their shame! i hope looking at the cover of WAG (again) n re-reading the announcement n all his tweets today can help u:mf_rosetinted:
  18. hehe i know now thzz:teehee: n big thzz to our boy, it's so sweet of him:wub2:
  19. who? ur mika-hater-classmates?? relax dear:huglove:
  20. saw this as well..... i..... i'm kind of speechless:wub2:
  21. can't imagine how'd i (we) go nuts when it comes to friday:teehee:
  22. what should i use to play a vinyl record then? normal cd player? sori for my ignorance i've nvr bought a vinyl either:blink:
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