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Everything posted by huikings

  1. OMG so this is the cover of the single/album???
  2. i can't describle how much i luv these lines!! MIKA's back!!! god how strong is this..... seriously my heart's pounding wif this article!!!! thzz so much alice!! i was wondering the same thing, thzz vanessa:naughty: but is this single availabe outside the UK??? i dunno it's a limited edition before!!!!
  3. ys i luv all kinds of choco:mf_lustslow: tpbm is a maths idiot:naughty:
  4. ys, i always think that i'd practise very happily wif all the meeks' french interview if i reli learned french:wub2: but personally i dunno why i like German more, n spanish/italian seems awesome as well........... okay i need some time, will let u guys know which i finally pick up:naughty: n hi, robertina, nice to meet u!!!!
  5. wow:shocked: how did u know he wanna hug her?? lucky girl!!! hugging mika is always one of my ambitions:wub2:
  6. i'm all smiling reading this thread:wub2: n i luv Bianca's idea >> ask him to show me around london!! (or paris is okay) how amazing it'd be to spend a day in my dream city wif my dream man:wub2: n personally i'll ask him to take me to his fav book shop / art gallery, then he'll tell me all those authors/artists/great works i dunno. JESUS!
  7. absolutely:wub2: tpbm insists not going out aft having bath:teehee:
  8. wow nvr seen this thread before! okay i'll make a brief introduction of mine as well. i'm Kasey, from Hong Kong. i've been on MFC since 2007, but nvr get active till now cuz u guys are crazy!!! i was busy at scl n thus didn't hv much time to come here... it's difficult to catch up wif the massive no. of new posts every day:boxed: i've juz finished my Alevel exam n will attend uni in the coming Sept. i'm not grwoing up in an English environment as both my parents are pure chinese who only know simple English expressions. so, MIKA n MFC help me a lot in improving my English n i'll take it as my major in uni:biggrin2: btw i wanna learn a new language as well.... any recommendations? xxx
  9. that'd be.............. okay i should say i'm not into naked men, waiting too long for WAG makes me this:mf_rosetinted:
  10. i've tweeted him asking exactly the same thing! mika must consider me a slut then????!!!!!! juz curious, wt did u say ytd??
  11. so, our boy is naked rirght now or he'll be naked in WAG?
  12. *raise hand* ME!!! i watched it in the cinema at the 2nd row:bored: it's a beautiful movie.
  13. oh and yes, i got reply from Perez on twitter! kind of freak me out:aah:
  14. i HATE homophobic ppl:furious: how can u judge a person simply by sexuality? freaky ppl!!!! i guess they juz care abt the fame of the artists! if mika's more than he is right now, they'd rather shut up n can't say a word. like Freddie, who can deny that he's not legendary??? i notice chart positions as well. but it's juz for reference. we all believe in gd music, dun we? and dun forget WE ARE GOLDEN:wub2:
  15. oh poor dear:no: hv u asked for a reason?? i hope the coming album together wif WAG can help kick their ass off!! but anyway, u've got us:huglove:
  16. they either like or are okay wif him, but i LOVE him as all of u here do:teehee: tpmb likes adding pizzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:thumb_yello:
  17. yesyes!! tpbm's been to other continent.
  18. not reli. tpbm thinks time passes too slowly.
  19. same here! i dunno if some of them are reli gay/bisexual, but usually not macho:teehee: but why here??
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