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Everything posted by huikings

  1. oh keti u are a pic genius:huglove: n thzz a lot bianca!! i juz hope there'll be more n more this kind of new pics as WAG comes out:blush-anim-cl:
  2. part 22!!! CRAZY:aah: Bianca, i'm using ur wallpaper! mind?? okay girls, i know this pic is reli famous (as seen in ur avatars) but i juz wonder if there is a bigger version? or are there any more pics together wif this one??? u know what, i'm reli reli obsessed wif this hair:wub2:
  3. jesus!! "This service is temporarily not available from your service area."!!!!!!!! sh*t!!!! thzz niki u've done so much already. i guess i doomed to NOT watch this:sneaky2:
  4. YESSSSSS:sneaky2: tpbm has a pink cell phone.
  5. juz drunk a glass of "green vegetable" juice n i wanna vomit now:puke:
  6. it's 8:10p.m. now, we are at GMT+8 time zone:wink2: n u??? wow wealthy girl:naughty: n i juz hv to say that, in my sense, mika doesn't look like 25-yr-old, but OLDER than that. maybe it's cuz of an Asian/HK point of view.... all my frds say so. but of coz, regardless of the age, our boy's always a cuttie:mf_rosetinted:
  7. yea u know what? when i first saw this, i immediately thought of that new pic in the "mika is back" thread!! the hair!!! i freaking luv it:wub2: sori for interrupting agn,but wow u reli needa take care frd:huglove: n u are so young:naughty:
  8. [quote name=Queenie ]www.play.com Free Delivery 9,50€, IIRC thank you so much indeed guys!!!! u are all so kind:huglove: but today when i wandered around, i found ALL cd shops in my neighbourhood are selling nearly ALL michael's albums, dvds stuffs!!! so i guess aft a round of shopping rush which'd sold out all the MJ inventory, the shops ordered for new ones and now they hv arrived!! i was freak out when i saw this:biggrin2: but they are expansive as well.... the dangerous tour costs HK$170, which is around US$21-22. a shop even sold it at US$28! i tried to order one from play.com but it's only for Europe:no: oh ys, thz for all the articles as well! i'll read them later
  9. no, alice, i dun need to go to mikagasmic to find it myself:naughty: thzz so much Foxxy!!! and JESUS!!!!! i'm sori i can't agree wif u cuz i dun think it's cute, he's simply gorgeously handsome:wub2: but wt's this for? promoting watch?????
  10. thzz alice! but when was this pic taken?? are there any others for this look?? if it's possible i wanna hv a look at the original ones:wub2: HA! is ur avatar from that vblog which he took beside the Dead Sea? i rmb the MUD:mf_lustslow:
  11. no,,, tpbm is going to reply on this thread:naughty:
  12. sori for interrupting! but Foxxy, is it mika in ur siggie?? i've nvr seen that pic!!! it's brilliant.
  13. glad u found it! though i still hv no idea wt it's like:naughty: and welcome to MFC!!!!
  14. cant agree more. MJ's kind of mysterious (at least to me) n this is one of the elements that making his super charisma. n wt i wanna say is...... i juz watched Michael's version of Who's Loving You on youtube, it's absolutely brilliant n beautiful!! i got chills n nearly teared up:tears: i luv Shaheen, but the fact to me is, he still has a long way to go. (sori for bringing this up but this is juz how i felt)
  15. good luck girl!!! i've juz finished dinner, hv had lots of meats:bored:
  16. oh i hv altogether 10 toes:roftl: tpbm is listening to the radio:wink2:
  17. alone or being wif a fussy frd? (time to go, bye!)
  18. why dunno? yes i hv, but juz for peeking ppl around:aah: tpbm is a pretty gd singer.
  19. wow...................... a city full of ppl! i'm already in one though:sneaky2: A4 size or F4?
  20. yes but no one's there wif me:sneaky2: tpbm like the alphabet "M":teehee:
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