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Everything posted by huikings

  1. grin, but i prefer seeing mika smile:biggrin2: iphone or ipod?
  2. i CRAVED that!!! but only 6 hrs:annoyed_h4h: tpbm loves Toy Boy most out of the 4 songs.
  3. i googled "mika, sorrow, ep" n found this pic as the "cover" of the EP: i hvn't been here for a while but it's impossible for our boy to release this!! i ain't wrong, am i??
  4. i'm sori i'm afraid of them:sweatdrop: tpbm is enjoying breezes:wink2:
  5. i know u are! but not for me:aah: tpbm is gonna hv party?? (real night!! off to bed:blush-anim-cl:)
  6. i suspect u were targeting me!! OH YES!!!! well, tpbm lives in Portugal:naughty:
  7. moderate gonna go' date=' night girls!!! [/size']
  8. yeaaaa but it's gonna be stormy now:boxed: tpbm hates tabloids.
  9. congratzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:thumb_yello: teehee or naughty??? (know wt i mean?)
  10. OF COZ I AM!!!!!!! tpbm loves eating n eating.
  11. no, time's not enough, it's midnight here:naughty: tpbm needs to go to scl tmr.
  12. no.... tpbm has juz finishing replying on another game thread in MFC:teehee:
  13. annie are u okay? so, annie are u okay? are u okay annie? MJ forever:camping:
  14. erm yes, but it's also my pyjamas:aah: tpbm is planning to travel. nope.. no i guess, not a fan sori:naughty:
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