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Everything posted by huikings

  1. yea exactly. it's 1:38a.m. now:bored: tpbm loves orange (the colour)
  2. okay madam i'll try!!! my frds are also busy doing gym to prepare themseleves for uni! so... juz gotta catch up LOL any more races for u later or tmr???
  3. thzz for the links of the home vids!!! Michael..... but part 1 is reli hilarious:teehee: i wanna buy the Live in Bucharest: The Dangerous Tour dvd but can't find any here in Hong Kong.... and when i google it, it is said that it's only available in the US n Canada:no:
  4. i told myself i was BUSY:teehee: (but who knows?) things aren't getting any better.... i guess i reli hv to start it all over again next week:devil:
  5. Congratz!!!!!! 2nd is good already!!! reminds me of my plan to go jogging every day (to prevent myself from getting any fatter), which has been carried out ONCE only:thumbdown:
  6. YES:mf_lustslow: (for coffee... i'm too late haha) NO (for running fast, though i walk fast!!!) tpbm is at night:mf_rosetinted:
  7. being able to see a large piece of blue sky wif lovely fluffy clouds:mf_lustslow:
  8. oh!!! 與宇多田光是好友??? our boy真想他不到呀 不知米卡去日本是on holiday還是工作呢????? 對了! vera你是住台灣的哪裡?? 可能我有經過到!! 我現在對台灣的地理挺熟悉的喇
  9. dunno if i am right to post here coz this is neither an "introduction" nor a "goodbye":teehee: anyway, hvn't been here for a while cuz my computer was not working!!!! life w/o computer was soooooo tough:crybaby: i juz stole some time logging on MFC in library, frd's home, shopping mall etc, PATHETIC! btw i still hvn't catched up wif all the gig reports!!!! wonder why MIKA has been to Tokyo?? juz got it from twitter.......... thought/dreamt he may go to other places in Asi many things hv happened to me during this period of time as well. i took a trip to Taiwan several weeks ago n aft coming back, hv my Alevel results received as well!!! fortunately i did quite well n will attend uni in the coming September:biggrin2: xxx
  10. 各位我 (我的電腦) 回來了!!!!!! 最近mika有什麼新news嗎?? twitter見到他之前去了tokyo..... @@ 我去了台北+墾丁+高雄 整體來說很滿意這次行程呀 遲些再跟大家分享分享
  11. oh that's okay! moving house's tiring but having a new place to live in is gd:teehee: ys i absolutely hope i were there in the UK and could vote!!!! Diversity's wicked they SO deserved to win:wub2: but Shaheen, Aidan, Susan n Julian Smith are my favourites as well...... i'l vote all of them if i could:aah:


    sadly my computer's broken!!!! *sigh* life w/o computer's tough :(

  12. ohmygosh space juz gv me a hug!!! 我的電腦也壞了!!!!! 我懷疑是中了病毒!! 但沒電腦的日子真的過得挺痛苦 現在也是在表哥家中借用著罷了.............. petition我交了你的部分給nico喇! 但我自己做的卻趕不及...唉唉yearbk又係咁而家又係咁 你不是透過mikasounds買的嗎vera? 我們是港幣$25x啊~~ 還有我22號會去台灣!!! 看了少許gig report.... 有很多youtube vids! 很吸引!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 電腦電腦快給我好起來!!!!!
  13. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18620 yoyoyo:thumb_yello: 不能分開賣呀....... 不過artbk實在值得留念呢我個人認為
  14. Art???? yayaya nice new thread, hvn't noticed till u said:teehee:
  15. vera: 即是你不打算買ep了嗎?? 對了對了!!! 我應該6月尾會去台灣啊!!!!! 你是住台北的嗎?? 會不會有機會碰面呢? guylaine: i guess u were looking at the wrong pic:shocked: and ugh... my How Mika Changed My Life article is missing from the Yearbook!!! *heartbroken* btw i'm now following u on twitter:teehee: nico: i've sent ALL stuffs to u!! (finally!! so sori!!!!) juz ask us should u need any help! is time enough??? LOADS OF THZZZZ:huglove: 對了對了!! 你們快去download yearbook啊!!!! 不過我的文章不見了...................... 唉唉唉唉
  16. nice to meet you Bart! i'm Kasey from Hong Kong:wink2: u joined here yesterday and has already got 240 posts!! wow brilliant:mf_rosetinted: enjoy ur Amsterdam gig!! yes i'm jealous:sneaky2:
  17. NOT available outside the UK:sneaky2: i'd rather stick to youtube.......... but thank you so much alice!!!!! ermerm i personally ain't that into Greg though he's got amazing voice. Shaun Smith's great:thumb_yello: juz finished semi-final 1,,, SO looking forward to watch the rest tmr! (or later? though it's 1:15a.m. now here LOL)
  18. hi dunno if u rmb me or not, but i'm juz watching BGT (on youtube only wt a pity!!) n suddenly thought of u!!!! u luv Simon Cowell dun u??? i found him reli sexy n adorable:fangurl: of coz i also luv Piers n Amanda, luv Ant n Dec, luv the entire show indeed!!!! u can watch full episodes in ur place right? sooooooooooo jealous of u:devil:

  19. i'm having a break from BGT on youtube:mf_rosetinted: oh my goodness i think i'm seriously addicted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i juz think it's the best tv show i've ever watched!!!!!!! why dun i live in the UK??????? btw anyone knows if there are full episodes available online??
  20. hello guys! HAPPY CHINESE DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL:aah: let's hv some rice-dumplings (so many in my fridge now)
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