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Everything posted by huikings

  1. even when it's the f* word this shouldn't happen!! u see Lily Allen n her songs?? juz wonder how the record company think of the "market". maybe he juz wanted us to help press those ppl:naughty:
  2. HUMPHREY似乎卡住了在某個mfcer手上!!!! 大家似乎都很擔心呢 芳療師?? 即是美貌師嗎??? 很好呀去襯年輕要多做自己喜歡的事啊 對呀要再register!!!! 你還未pre-order嗎??? 我和space都pre了... 但不知何時會送到呢 @@
  3. still here? sori i was on phone!:naughty: how abt u?? are u a student??:wink2:

  4. wow difficult to decide!!!!!!!!! umumum......... hungry~~ coz i'm thirsty now n it's not gd:sneaky2: times new roman or verdana??????
  5. ohhhhhhh then i got it! we are 12 hrs apart:sneaky2: are u in the USA?? in fact i'm currently on holiday as the Alevel exmainations which directly affect my entry into university hv juz been finished. though i'm having a part-time job for the moment, still a lot of time here in MFC:biggrin2:

  6. ohhh reli? sori i laughed:teehee: but i was super worried that i wouldn't be able to pre-order it aft 2 days, n yea, we can still pre-order now! 10, 000 copies, do u seriously mean it Meeks???
  7. sori i hvn't noticed:roftl: rolling.............................
  8. obviously not my business agn so i'm not bothered:teehee: but i'll still wait to see, it'b be absolutely amazing if it's reli abt Dublin this time:wink2: EDIT: what??? u r picking up my nerve!!!! i hv to say i can't decide whether to fly to japan or not if u r right:blink:
  9. hi louise!! i'm kasey~~ actually for "Huikings", Hui is my last name in chinese n Kings is simply a combination of my first names:wink2:


    it seems the time zones where we lie are so far away from each other!!! can't see u everytime i'm on:blink::sneaky2:

  10. wow that sounds reli amazing!!! do u manage to get any photos???
  11. hey everybody juz come to Hong Kong n i'll take u to great great Chinese food!!! summer job's gd! congratz!! i'm working for one as well, but then juz miss scl days............... (kind of) wt made me hapi today??? well, i've discovered Greg James from R1, he's fantastic:wub2:
  12. ermerm............... apples! (difficult choice either) flyer / tv commercial?
  13. MATHS!!!!!!! i hate that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! juz got to say:furious: jumper~~~~~~ the Simpsons or Astro-boy???
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