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Everything posted by huikings

  1. i'm too ignorant my god, had no idea wt he was tweeting until wiki/youtube:shocked:
  2. huikings

    Hello! :)

    hello n welcome!!! i'm kasey from hong kong n we are indeed near to each other:wink2:
  3. i hv to say, this one kinda scares me (SORI MIKA!)
  4. politics. quick trip's gd! how much i wanted to hv a quick trip to Europe n go to the coming acoustic gigs:sad:
  5. 新的不知是guitarist還是bassist是dan.... 他在新的vblog中有說到 你是為petition而忙嗎??? 你在twitter提到的1個不知什麼term是什麼來的? ohoh 我又把事情擱下來了,, 明天1定要完全!! == 對了space,, chart position方面我打算把hmv sales chart #1 + commercial radio chart #1 (gk) 兩項資料寄給nico算了,,,你覺得okay嗎?? 我上網search過confirm了兩者都是real data的,,不過不知是冠了1 week or more than that la~~ food方面我手頭上有些資料呀,,遲些傳給你幫我補充補充吧! 至於toys... 還只想到了mk的那個地帶和michael lau,, 有點無從入手 (frankly不想入手) 的感覺 amberline你有空可以上來隨意談談自己的事情呀~ 我們平常都是想到什麼便打什麼的 你唸的是什麼系? (純粹好奇,不說不打緊!haha) 讀到他拿到ep artbk的那個twitter我忽然又興奮起來
  6. Mazzini:thumb_yello: (sori my memory of Alevel History suddenly came out lol) HA! why hard to believe?
  7. u seriously made me laugh:roftl: dun worry i think it will too! juz wait happily for some time:aah:
  8. nonono i didn't mean that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's sweet of you to take it serious! cd! wow gd question!!!! but i'd choose "Word Association" coz juz now i posted an associated word in the "New Word Game" thread:shocked: bath / shower?
  9. u nvr manage to ignore me ines:wub2: somehow mika doesn't gv me the feeling of hubby, but more precisely a boyfriend only:teehee: i personally prefer €..... but can't reli work out the exchange rate:boxed: so, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ haha magazine or newspaper??
  10. i'd blame MIKA!! coz seriously i only started listened to Queen aft all the "Freddie Mercury comparison" + "Queen revival" stuff. but now of coz i know, meeks is not freddie, though both of them are such great singers:wub2: i was addicted to "Dun Stop Me Now" before!
  11. lily allen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (no KP plzzzz:sneaky2:)
  12. milk's my recent obsession! though it makes u so full everytime u drink:naughty: mobile phone! match / torch??
  13. (OMG i thought i was playing the Word Association game in my last post:shocked:) doctor!!
  14. well not frustrated at all (like some of u).... maybe coz i hvn't been to any of his gigs before so juz no sweet memories left telling me how amazing a mika concert is n how i supposedly should go to these upcoming ones:wink2: anyway, let's support each other when june comes:camping: n the new EP is good enough to cover all these frustrations isn't it????
  15. i juz couldn't help smiling when i saw this last tweet!!! i mean a REAL smile, weird somehow juz so damn hapi n excited:teehee: anyone the same??? n he's not driving:naughty:
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