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Everything posted by huikings

  1. i THOUGHT so until recent days:teehee: coz i'm on holiday n am juz too bored to shut my tongue all day! in fact i think most of the time i'm saying rubbish here:aah: back to the topic..... i luv BE!!!! the EP version on mikasounds juz wowed me impeccably:mf_lustslow: i was in a terribly bad mood that day n then listening to this song juz kind of perked me up n made me feel hapi. well, sori to sorrowful mika:naughty:
  2. i'm now following this twitter but in fact i know nth abt this lady:aah: pardon my ignorance but is this twitter (n the website) started by the same lady??? who is she??
  3. oh my goodness it's so nice n sweet of u!!!! sori that i hvn't read ur msg until now:wub2: thzzz a lot!! reli painful in the beginning but it's getting better n better, though the wounds still look absolutely disgusting:puke:


    btw how can i call u??? uknow "iadoremika" is a too long name:teehee:

  4. 嘩vera看來你真的很忙啊這陣子~~ 我好多了,,, 不過傷口個樣好核突 (好嘔心的樣子) 原來martin & mickey真的離開了mika's band! 好傷心啊還沒有機會跟他們見面 看來david也不在了........................... martin's playing for lily allen leh! 其實我都幾鍾意lily allen d歌 (雖然她的私生活比較混亂...) 如果她來hk我也會去看啊~~
  5. wow u've had a successful 1st time i'm so jealous!! my first time went to my mum's birthday last year........... yet when i took the cheesecake out, she was like, "oh! hv u made steamed egg?":hair: well, it reli looked like a tray of steamed egg:aah: btw ur cake looks much prettier aft u cut it into slices!!!! n alice, the chocolate cake u juz posted makes me drool!!!!!!!!!!!! SO RICH:mf_lustslow:
  6. more excited for the physical EP i guess:mf_lustslow: Europe's afterall far away from us!!!! will u go for any of them??
  7. oh my goodness this pic's gorgeous!!!!! though it's also SO photoshopped:teehee: thzz for posting. btw i still hvn't browsed the whole mikasounds..... it takes so much time to load a page
  8. guylaine! glad u still rmb this thread:wub2: it's 8p.m. something here! so, GOOD EVENING:teehee:
  9. 下巴位置有點嚴重... 今天含膿了 即是你當年受傷後沒有立時料理????????? 對啊其實我也是在斜路中段的欄杆位撞的,,, 但很笨的臉先下地 hahaha 嘩有scar! 我想我應該都會有呀................. 希望不要太明顯吧
  10. hi朋友們~幾天沒有上來~~ 我昨天去沙田踩單車......... 花了個多小時終於學會了兩輪單車!!!!!! (其實以前學過無數小時但仍然學不慬) 很高興啦~~~~ 怎料................... 去到一個很小的斜坡位!! 我竟然不慬剎車!!!!! 就這樣連人帶車撞上了1條柱 成臉都是血啊.... 而且手腳也擦傷了,,朋友帶我去了醫院包紮傷口 成件事都太白癡! 未識踩就學人衝斜路==
  11. we have something similar here!! we call it egg tart..... n for those u Portuguese mention, they are very famous in Macau, the Portuguese ex-colony which we can go easily by an-hour-long-sea-travelling! we call them "Portuguese tart":teehee: in fact Hong Kong is a place full of different kinds of food, from chinese, italian, french, american to japanese, korean, indian, vietnamese etc! i reli luv my place:wub2:
  12. i went cycling yesterday. then when it comes to a slope, my bike lost control n bumped into a post.....i kind of flew over n fell onto the street!! BLOODY HELL!!!! my face was reli bloody n my arms legs were hurt:wheelchair: i'm worrying abt those possible scars:crybaby:
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