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Everything posted by huikings

  1. damn beautiful!!!!!! i am a bit speechless now!!! luv Lonely Alcoholic! but the hippo for Lady Jane juz made me smile:biggrin2: reli cant wait! n juz wonder how big the book is going to be? wanna tell M all these via twitter... but the site is currently under maintenance! i'm too late, so as for the "guessing game" earlier today:sneaky2:
  2. hello n welcome!!! i'm kasey from hong kong:aah:
  3. welcome!! i'm kasey from hong kong!! hang around when u're free n u'll soon fall in luv wif this fanclub:teehee:
  4. no, she didn't that's why i was so angry:hair: she was in a freaking bad mood?! anyway, i did the same chore tonite n she said thank you n also apologized for ytd:teehee: n now..... i juz wonder if i can use Sportify w/o an invitation! anyone can tell, plz??
  5. i luv this most:wub2: well, juz for looking coz i dun think it tastes gd:teehee: this thread reminds me of the Food Thread, where i'd posted loads of pics of chinese food. anyone rmb?? HA!
  6. i hv experienced this before as well!!!! yet, i'm not sure if i was reli dreaming..... coz i rmb i'd watched a vblog while he hadn't posted it up yet. forgot which vblog it was, in fact in my impression, that vid seemed to hv disappeared:blink:
  7. 還有food啊... 不過你看看會不會太多啦~ 如果太多的就先完成venue + disney吧 (因為據他而言album是disney feel) 然後我們要1起搞搞toy的那part == 對了 還要準備mika上次來港時的相片和文字~~ 這part或許我先搞,, 然後你再加入自己的 "experience" /相片補充吧 XD 幸好現在是on holiday! 上學的日子那有時間搞這些東東
  8. I am angry too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i juz finished washing dishes for my mum............. but ever since i washed the 1st one, she's been moaning abt the way i washed!! n finally, she kind of cursed at me, "i dun need u to help next time.... bring me even more troubles" oh my goodness, WHAT THE F*CK:badmood:
  9. 慶幸現在有part-time幫人補習 不過隻EP都令我好肉痛.............. 而且被迫放棄了1場本來想看的音樂會== 別忘了petition呀.. nico說26號會寄出,, 我們最好在下星期完成我們的部分吧!!!
  10. this thread was created in JANUARY!!!!! hilarious:roftl: no wonder why i felt so weird when i read the first page!!!!! yoohoo.... ermerm i frankly dun care much abt the upcoming Euro acoustic tour! (sounds so sour sori guys! lol)
  11. (send to me if u reli do so! bye~) odd.........
  12. (recording? genius!! i'm looking forward to it but i hv to go now!!...) eccentric~
  13. (no hurry!! HA! though i'm gonna leave.....) tension?!
  14. (maybe phonetics help? dun bother if it's reli hard! hahaha so, c'rocktart is ur name too?) dozen..............
  15. umum *trying to associate both words* got it!! MIKA:mf_lustslow:
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