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Everything posted by huikings

  1. (oh how to pronounce ur name? Portuguese right?) aeroplane!
  2. dolphin?? (i thought i was going to be ignored:aah: HA! thzz juz sent u a tweet:wink2:) "huikings" is in fact a mix-up of my chinese first+last names, u can call me kasey
  3. for foundation's sake:thumb_yello: hey didn't u say that u were off to bed??? juz curiouis:roftl:
  4. oh my goodness i first typed "waiting" then i changed my mind to "pre-ordered"! u were fast enough to quote me though:roftl: yes i hv, i ordered it last night:wub2: how abt u????? holiday (the one i'm having now)
  5. wooow latin! we nvr need to study it!! maybe for bragging.... reli sounds cool when u say u know this medieval language:roftl: kidding, u can actually read original latin version of many great pieces wif latin!
  6. i've dropped economics:roftl: so, mika's waiting to watch the play??
  7. so, wt should we call ourseleves? eating freak?? perhaps we can form a group:aah: i simply can't restrain myself whenever i SEE a food in front of me. sick!!! i was preparing for a public exam n that's why i decided to spoil myself to eat whenever i want; but now exam's over n i'm still eating all day! even been to several buffets last week!
  8. i dun feel hungry but most often i juz wanna eat!!!!!! then i eat n gain weight!!! maybe i should hate myself?! (this smilie again:aah:)
  9. i dun like being underemployed n underpaid!!!!!!!!!!!!!! btw i think it's fun to count how many we've used so far in this thread! lol
  10. was it a movie?? i wiki it last night but was too tired to finish reading:teehee: anyway, gd luck to ur exam! (n also to xlindee?)
  11. thzz Pétrouchka! dunno if a shave matters, but i think his face looks a bit plumper than before:teehee:
  12. :drool:trying to figure our wt Spotify is n wondering who can offer me an invitation
  13. honestly we need to see if time's enough or not, but we'll surely finish the texts first:mf_rosetinted: actually i HOPED that he might be going to announce tour dates which include not juz Euro/the States when the "secrets" stuff appeared several days ago.... anyway, i now THINK that he'll come, still optimistic, esp. aft he mentioned Japan in that tweet:naughty:
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