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Everything posted by huikings

  1. waiting my mum back so that i can ask her for the credit card no. n pre-order the new EP!!!!! n worrying as as well, coz she still has no idea who the hell mika is:thumbdown:
  2. hey guys, here I am, finally! I hv to apologize n apologize n apologize... coz shortly aft signing up as a participant of this petition, I had to take my A-level exam, which directly afftects my application of university. that's why I've been absent from MFC until recent days. SORRY!!! now both Space n I are back. I want to know if we can send you information via the Internet, instead of mailing?
  3. http://www.imeem.com/people/HDjvzZ/music/lF1uPcGA/jason-mraz-good-old-fashioned-loverboy/ found it!! i luv this cover sooooooooooooo much:wub2: but still got no way to download/own this:boxed:
  4. i think i'm too stupid to get it............any hints?? *rush to the page 1 to read the lyrics again n again* btw forgive me for not very familiar wif classic English names, does Lady Jane refer to anyone in reality? i wiki the song title n only found abt the English queen n a song by the Rolling Stones!!!
  5. *murmuring* he'll go to Asia aft this accoustic tour.......he'll go to Asia aft this accoustic tour.......he'll go to Asia aft this accoustic tour.......he'll go to Asia aft this accoustic tour.......he'll go to Asia aft this accoustic tour.......he'll go to Asia aft this accoustic tour.......he'll go to Asia aft this accoustic tour.......he'll go to Asia aft this accoustic tour.......he'll go to Asia aft this accoustic tour.......he'll go to Asia aft this accoustic tour.......:tears:
  6. got it!!!!!!! thzzz! brightened by such priority:blush-anim-cl: n i know, this's coz WE ARE NOW OFFICIAL:roftl:
  7. sori guys, i'm busy at work n i was extremely shocked when i found that the new website has been launched n we've become official:shocked: may i know that is this already the SECRET? do we still need to wait till 12p.m. GMT or instead, 5p.m. GMT as stated in the new mikasounds??? anyway, i'm shocked together wif excitement:mf_lustslow:
  8. rainbow! Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? (juz curious)
  9. nvr heard this before thzzz!! btw i've been looking for jason covering Queen's [good old fashioned loverboy] for long!!!!!!!!!!! dun mean to own it but even the youtube version's been deleted:sneaky2:
  10. 我們都在呃post XDDD umum其實我有時也有no clue的感覺,, 但另1方面也覺得自己和他們親近了呢! 可能因為最近有好朋友加入了而且active中,,,所以這陣子有些addicted mikaaaaaaaaaaaa不update blog,, 就是因為在不斷update twitter ma!! 又係o個句.. 我最近實在太得閒,,, 所以常常上twitter 有時一refresh就看到mika哥 "less than 5 sec" update左! 嘩~~~ 整個人立時excited起來 我上facebk很容易hang機... 而且覺得privacy方面有點兒................. 好啦好啦唔逼你喇,, 可能我遲d好快又玩厭左 XD
  11. 他的行蹤嘛.. 也是因為twitter啦,, 而且最近實在太得閒 我都想做文員!!! 不過鬼請咩... 又唔做得長! 做畫班導師不錯喎~ 我有朋友而家做緊! $100 per lesson! 不過她是因為自己不嬲keep住學畫畫,, 所以被自己的阿sir請的 http://twitpic.com/4n6xp http://twitpic.com/4n6zh u seee!!!!! so hot!!!! 我個frd同我看完之後癡左線,,, 她在圖書館撕了這幾版下來 (兒童切勿模仿!!!) 咦.. 什麼耳屎??? 沒聽說過! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ always an issue *sigh*
  12. shandong應該是山東呀! 對嗎? 啊! 原來已經prison-break了!! so quick!!! CONGRATZZZZZ:teehee: part-time laaaa 時間比較靈活嘛! 因為玩其實也玩不到4個月那麼多! 不過我現在完全是underemployed!!!! 1星期才番2天.... 好! 待會兒看看你suggest的youtube先! 不過我也發現我有野忘了分享~~~ 啦啦啦~ 前天去了戲院看 [17 again] 現在深深被zac efron吸引了!!! 其實我是完全受不了high scl musical的!! <<<打冷震 但這套戲中他真的很棒,,,因為說的是中年男子回到過去的事情 不是單純的high scl students在打鬧~~~ 雖然橋段挺舊,, 但我覺得不錯呀~ 建議你們可看看! 仲有啊 space你而家咁得閒 不如玩下twitter la:naughty:
  13. 好恐怖!!!! our boy搞乜鬼???? morocco >> london >> oslo >> paris!!!!!!!!! in juz a few dayssssssssssssssssssss INSANE:blink: 對了我真的以為是今天... 搞到剛剛一回家就上了member exclusive,,, 點知發現什麼也沒有 == 好白癡啊..................
  14. OMFG it seems i've made a mistake agn... can anybody tell me is it juz 6th May today?????? i came back from my meeting n instantly logged on the mamber exclusive zone n found NOTHING, once again! idiot!!
  15. oh thzz i forgot he's named his donkey:teehee: n i guess ella's jealous rite now??
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