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Everything posted by huikings

  1. my frd's gone crazy as well! she tore off pages of zac from a mag in the library:wags_finger: http://twitpic.com/4n6xp http://twitpic.com/4n6zh but he looks extremely awesome:wub2:
  2. oh my gosh!!! glad someone got the same feeling wif me:wub2: i watched the movie 2days ago... at first it's okay, Zac Efron is doubtless a hot guy....... but then he made me cry! aft home i searched him out, watched a no. of vids, n now i can officially announce, "i'm completely in luv wif zacccccccccccc":blush-anim-cl: this's not like HSM! in fact i think i can nvr stand this kind of disney-produced movie...... juz hvn't finished the whole series:thumbdown:
  3. i LOL when i read that:roftl: n wt i thought instantly was.... did he ask the manager to wait outside for very long??? if someone juz holds some eggs walking in the hotel, i suppose he/she is not suspected:blink:
  4. 對了對了,, 大家看到這個thread沒有???? http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18405 記著呀,, 今晚8點!!!!! 可惜我當時會在開會...... 不能第1時間知道發生什麼事 i guess,, 應該與meeks現在在oslo做的事情有關! 大概又是另一secret gig了~~~~~~~~~~~
  5. OHHHH MY GOSH!!! i was soooo excited n my heart's still pounding!!! anyway, i was excited n when i looked at the clock, realising it's 4 p.m. sth now,, i quickly went to the member exclusive zone n found NOTHING:blink: i was like, "oh wt's MFC doing? 4 hrs hv passed n they still hvn't posted anything yet?????":sneaky2: sori mods!!!! i forgot i'm now in Hong Kong, in which the time zone's 8 hrs faster than the UK:roftl: but aiiiiiiiii.......... i will be in meeting when it's 8p.m.
  6. mikababy最近工作最忙嗎???? 見你上來留言的次數都少了! anyway,, 要注意身體呀 其實我也很愛大家~~ haha 希望space考完試後要多上來! 我昨天剛剛找了份part-time job,, part-time到1星期只番2天..... 所以基本上仍有很多很多時間呆在家裡捉蛩 yoyoyo~ 終於有新成員了! welcome again:biggrin2: 我的英文也不算很好喇~ 不過放心,, 在這裡我們都是說中文的! ohhh 建議你可以看看mika在youtube的interview/performance 你會發覺他不僅唱歌好,有才華,, 而且也非常可愛及有內涵的 好! 先自我介紹1下~ 我是huikings! hui=我的姓氏,,我姓許便是了! 然後kings是中文名字的縮寫吧! i come from hong kong的,, 還有另1位space也是from hong kong! 再來便是mika_baby,,, 她來自台灣的! 不過..我們都是打繁體字的.... mfc運作得太完善 我初來時也是一頭煙有點無從入手!!! 只是現在比較清閒才多了到別的帖子逛逛 oh 對了~ 我今年讀完香港的F.7 剛考了升大學的公開試,, 所以常常賦閒在家
  7. 對啊~~ 快加入我們!! 基本上現時的chinese thread只有3人是active:sweatdrop: 所以不用難為情! 介紹1下自己啦,, 你是怎麼認識到mikaaaaa的啦 etc. 太高興了
  8. a calendar, seceral novels, a dictionary n...... some bowls n dishes:naughty:
  9. eating herring n drinking expresso now! though still dunno wt the work he's going to hv, quite worried abt his health:shun:
  10. ys it becomes my fav!! but not many occasions can we use it...... thzzz for adding these new smilies, a freaking great no. of them now!
  11. are u in Oslo now?? Go straight on street... maybe u can bump into him n knows what the hell our boy's doing:roftl:
  12. OMG finally a new member from CHINA!!!! 歡迎來到MFC這個大家庭! 快加入我們chinese thread啊~~ 大家都等得久了
  13. oh my gosh being on plane so much does no good to both the boy himself n earth, doesn't it?
  14. heehee then u can come n visit us if u like!! 我都發覺原來中文真的很難學 因為無得拼音..... 所以我們其實在外國人眼中好叻 希望能快些學好英文再學多種language!!! 呢d全都很有趣!! 但我最愛還是 aiii 沒有呀對不起.... 基本上我都不在網上買東西 不過之前逛過mika's clothing thread曾經心動過online shopping買點他帶過穿過的東東喇!!
  15. wondering how to make a birthday card for a best frd with as little resources as u can imagine:loco:
  16. erm if there are many then ur teacher's behaviour can be justified a little bit i guess:loco: anyway, cheer up n show him/her how great ur french can be even he/she ignores u:cheers: yes money is the BIGGEST problem. holiday becomes hateful w/o money:hair:
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