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Everything posted by huikings

  1. welcome!!!!!! u are new but i'm not very old either:naughty: actually some smilies u used are juz added, they are awesome, so as this forum:toot:
  2. << mika maybe doing this now:wub2: and yaaaaaaaa i luv the group hug!!!! but it seems to me lollipop gal kind of doesn't belong to here:lg: so static!
  3. 對了space,, 我覺得如果hmv有得買就不用網上買啦~ 不過遲些amazon應該都會出價錢... 我們到時再看看吧!!! 下星期要考UE oral,,, 我打算過幾天翻睇番mika d interviews學下佢d accent:teehee: 都係o個句 如果所有外國節目都好似我地咁有晒subtitles就好! 但可能聽覺靈敏的外國人會覺得此舉很多餘 mikababy... 你快來領導1下這個petition的工作!! help!!! btw smilies好像又多了~~~~
  4. thank you!!! in fact we always use both chinese n english words in our conversation, as u can see! HAAAA!
  5. sorry but "Songs of Sorrow" is confirmed as the name of the upcoming EP???? i THOUGHT it's only a description:insane:
  6. mine is lost!!!!!! wonder if i should buy an iPod or juz stick to my cell phone...........
  7. are there many students in ur class??? i know this sounds ridiculous but i start to dislike my TOO LONG holiday.... no scl + no work simply make u feel rubbish:thumbdown:
  8. Chester sori but i reli think of this name immediately:bleh:
  9. it's already Sunday here!! to me the "next week" has started.... so mika dun cheat me:naughty:
  10. 其實我都挺不喜歡那張照片 -.- 頭髮好像膠著了似的... 而且好有宿醉的感覺 (hangover!!).... aiyaaa 那怎麼辦?? 要在網上買? 暫時repeat得最多的還是ggg!!!! 我真心覺得mfcers好厲害!!!!!! 我可以肯定我再聽1000000000次都不能聽到lyrics:bow: blotg.. 如果在gig上他叫我們打拍子我大概會亂拍! hahaha 不過想想也覺得好玩 oh... petition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??!? 我 完 全 忘 記 了 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 有什麼要做的?? 死喇
  11. thank you!!!! this's always the oddest mika pic for me:punk:
  12. hi guys! i've been looking for a mikaaa pic at a french interview, wif his tongue out like this >>> this pic's famous, i know, but i've juz lost it!!!! here's other pics at the same interview..... n there's already been so many pages!! i wonder when'll a part 2 start:naughty:
  13. 身邊似乎沒有朋友對coraline有興趣 -_________- 其實我之前好似見過introduction區有new member係from hk架! 不過他們最終沒有發現這裡吧== 想當年我都是貪得意 見人家有自己國家的thread才自己跑去search chinese thread:naughty:
  14. pdp dvd我也是即日打電話去hmv然後飛奔去買!!!! 對啊we are golden未聽過 不過應該是new music 1中那支有gospel choir和聲的歌喇! 但不知首這4首sorrow songs會否又出現在new album中呢???? 還有啊 我要agree to你之前說的話呀space meeeeeeeeeeee真的talented,,, 把dark lyrics放在catchy melody中 btw 他之前推薦的Coraline在香港上映了!!! 好想去看~~~~~~~~ 換了signature............... 覺得好embarrassed tim 看來我該好好在其他threads巡巡喇....
  15. 芭黎絲是誰呢??? aiyaaa 你們看到了沒有??? 25/5有新EP啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 不過好奇怪 這個Q Magazine是6月份的,,, 現在卻已買到?? @@ 但這個應該是mika在twitter中說的那個"flubbed up interview"吧! hehe 不知25/5當天hk/tw能否買到呢? 好期待
  16. hey 希望你快d考完mika快d黎然後我們可以見見對方盧山真面目 XD 但現在先加油了! 努力溫書呀!! 冇呀其實不過是ladygaga去了mika屋企然後2人又1起出去吃飯罷了... 但這位lady的衣著........... 你自己看看吧 == http://justjared.buzznet.com/2009/04...a-gets-cheeky/ 個人對此挺反感的 似乎也有不少mfcers這樣覺得 所以才討論了這麼多頁出來~~ 大多數都覺得mika不應該與她靠得太近 即使是想promo一下自己也不用這樣做 但當然也有人會說ladygaga也是好的musician不需要以衣著來judge她 諸如此類的!
  17. hihihihi 姊妹們!!! XDDDD 我在2009年4月22日下午4:30重生了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 太好了可以重獲自由! 不用每天把自己困在自修室!!!!!! 然後昨晚便去了看古巨基在紅館的演唱會 好好看!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 昨晚真的唱得很好很好! 他唱了哥哥的 [為你鐘情],, 簡直把我殺掉了!!!! 還跳了tango+幾part舞!! 雖然算不上跳得好 但像個小孩子般亂跳也很可愛 又有3D舞台效果~~~~ 今早起來喉嚨還在痛 尾場再黎過!!! 對不起呢1上來便在談自己的事情 但實在太開心 你們即使不喜歡他也忍耐1下吧 LOL 有看mika& ladygaga的新聞嗎??? 其實我本來覺得這個女人也沒什麼大不了 反正歌也不錯 她不愛穿衣服便不穿吧也不關我事 怎料........... 咱們的meeks好像越來越欣賞她呢
  18. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18245 你們有無去這個thread呀??? 我download了mp3喇!!! wind-up是結束/作弄的意思 套用在第1行可以解toy boy被 "搞掂了" 或者 被玩弄吧! up down ma..... 也不太明白 大概是說世界翻來翻去好混亂???? dunno @@
  19. 嘩考喇???? 我下個禮拜考完 == 現在good gone girl似乎超越了toy boy!!!! i mean in my perception only:naughty: 因為昨天晚上有點不開心... 然後聽到ggg (XD)中ohohohoh那part真的整個人歡暢起來! mika's music真的有那種magical pwr令人愉快~~~~~~ 雖然學space話齋 lyrics有時是在說sad stories或者根本是insult (gk) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbE6YqLcCU0&feature=channel_page 整首clapping song啊!!!! 看完後再次覺得our boy根本天生就屬於舞台喇 而且.... 昨晚夢到accoustic tour有1站是hk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. heyhey 我隨口說的而已! 畢竟我資歷太淺喇... u see? post才剛過200:thumbdown: 聽了新歌沒有????? 癡線太xxxxxxxxxxx!!!!!! << 不知怎形容!!! amazing:band: 暫時最喜歡toy boy 不過lyrics是有關gay man的,,看來new album出時又會被人話佢喇 還有1星期我就可以prison break!!!!! 到時要1次過看回d gig reports!!!!!!!! btw space CE努力呀
  21. haha u are learning chinese???? welcome to our thread and........... dance together:dance_man: we are discussing the matter! give us some time plz:blush-anim-cl: do hope that this can help u guys to run the forum more smoothly! 呢張相就是grammy aft-party喇! 不如就索性畫這張吧! XD 我想... 我們身處的地區與歐洲差1大截的 (同mikaaaa距離好遠好慘==) 真的要湧來的活動或msg也不會太多吧 @@ 其實我無乜所謂呀! 反正考完alevel應該好得閒 你們看看如何吧! 會不會最後representative都不過是處理這個thread的事宜???? 那即是最多也不過是4個人
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