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Posts posted by Kodes100

  1. Sounds like it has been a really outstanding concert! :wub2:

    I've searched the YT to see if there is any video and among some snippets I found this

    It's just surreal! :shocked:


    Thanks for posting the vid Petra_ale!

    I love it!:thumb_yello:

    The youtube user who posted it is Paschje.

    It is a great vid of Happy Ending.:thumb_yello:

    You can see the huge crowd is really into Mika!

    I wish I had been there.


  2. Let me start by saying: I've said a lot of times that this was the best gig ever, but it's always true, and a lot has to do with the belgian audience. And NO I'm not saying that because I'm from belgium, other people have said the same. I was front row right, in front of imma/jimmy.


    He said this was along with bercy the biggest show of the tour, and let me tell you, I was in bercy as well, the atmosphere there seemed to be nothing compared to this! The crowd was on fire from the beginning but just exploded a little more during every song... I don't know how to say it properly in english but you understand me, I guess :wink2: My voice is totally gone, I'm dead tired... it was so intense!


    Mika looked soo so happy, just looking over the entire venue going crazy, he kept his breath a few times, not knowing what to say or what to sing, just looking at us like 'omg is this for real???' He let the audience sing about 70% of the show, he said everything in french and dutch which was so funny because you had him going: bonjour c'est mika et je suis mort, and then hallo, het is mika en ik ben dood :aah: It was so funny how he said everything twice :teehee:


    What we expected, happened, the audience didn't want to let him go. It's always the case here, so they came back after lollipop to do relax. After that kick ass with the band, and mika stayed on the stage a bit, looking slowly in every direction, to absorb the audience for the very last time :wub2: At one time I thought he was going to sing along to kick ass, he grabbed for his microphone but then just didn't, damn :aah:


    iMMA was so so so great!!!!!!!! she always is but tonight she was so into it. She rocked as never before, during happy ending she sung so loud and powerful, gorgeous! She did a lot of interaction with us, which was great. I really love her (tbh I have a bit of a girl crush :blush-anim-cl:).


    Mika decided to hang the puppet on jimmy's bass.... That was very cute and funny to see, but I don't think jimmy liked it that much after a while! He had the puppet on the bass for two songs, and in the beginning he was playing with it, like dragging the puppet across the stage as if the puppet was walking etc, and it really was great to see, but he couldn't get the damn thing off again!! He really was struggling with it... But then somewhere during lollipop he got it off. I don't know if the puppet survived tho...... :fisch:


    Some had been big girl/lollipop girl/bride etc but I'll let them tell you their story. They asked but he said maybe he wouldn't do a m&g afterwards because he was so tired. But he still came out! even though he really realllyyy was tired, when he spoke it was like he was going to doze off every second. I told him it was the best gig of his I ever went too, and that I went to 'a few' so I had enough material to compare :aah: His tired face lit up for a moment and said thanks very very silently, I do really think he's saving his voice, so thank god he had the entire sportpaleis singing for him :aah:


    For the people from the breakfast club: I'm sorry guys, we did everything possible. We went to two gigs now with the book, we asked the big girls/lg to tell him about it, but they didn't see them/weren't supposed to talk to them. We even asked John to help now, waited a long time in the cold :aah: but we still didn't get to give the book... we only have 2 gigs left so I hope it will still work but I'm not sure :(


    Thanks Droopsy!:thumb_yello:

    Your report has made me really excited to see the vids from last night.


  3. Damn, i got it so hard tonight dancing the veal on my Loubys doesn't just stink, there's smoke coming out of it...




    :teehee: The veal thing is gross...


    Good morning.

    What is so gross about the "veal in his shoes?"

    The veal is fresh.

    Mika's feet are clean.

    His new dog will have fresh toed meat.






    yep, that sounds like Mika, always getting himself in trouble.. :fisch:




    I had never seen this before.

    Too funny!:roftl::roftl:

  4. :lmfao:!!!!!!!

    No food is allowed near my computer since i discovered MFC!!! (especially when Wonka is around):naughty:


    That is a good idea!

    I should also practice the solo heimlich maneuver with a chair.

    Ms. Wonka or/and you are going to kill me eventually!:shocked:

    There are few others here too - now that I think about it.

    The MFC has many hidden dangers.


  5. Blame it on the cold water...:mf_rosetinted:


    Because it's hard as a rock???


    My oh my, just won a trip to the NC again,,,.:lmfao:


    OH GOSH!!!!!!! you SOOOOOOOO changed my post!!!!!!!!!! :lmfao:!!!!!!!!!!!

    i was all confused!!!! :lmfao:!!!


    i.... need.... air.... cant.... stop.... laughing..... :lmfao:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    I just spit chocolate cookie all overmy keyboard, computer desk & the screen.

    I just about choked to death.



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