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Everything posted by hevalump

  1. oh the taste has its differences, but then again he like Mika, and the scissor sisters. and lily allen. but thats where it pretty much ends. how many posts after your next one?
  2. Oh, I don't mind my dad on here. He is weealx.
  3. heck yeah!! They are the best chocolate shakes! I just finished my strawberry one. Yum,
  4. Haha, ours was here when we moved here so its all good.
  5. McDonalds ones are great! they're like Ice-cream!!
  6. Haha don't worry! They are all fine really! Well, they kinda know who I am cause my dad is on there!!
  7. Hahaha!! Really! I love it! Although Chocolate is my fav!
  8. i was locked away in the coal shed. How're you?
  9. I didn't even notice!! Cause I go on the oldlings thread.
  10. So, when are you getting your van back?
  11. You've got a point. His hair is pretty fantastic.
  12. I was in the house all day. And cooking Not been up to much. I found I have new cravings for Strawberry Frijj Milkshake
  13. I'm Heather. And yeah, you can order them online! I didn't think of that!! Speak soon! Have fun at practice.
  14. No, we have our legend coal fire, and even though it went out this morning the heat takes AGES to go. I mean, its like the summer in here!!
  15. Nothing to complain about. Except the heat of my house. But it's all good. Hows things on here!
  16. Yeah they are so funny. I was wondering. I know USA gets them. You ever visit the UK, I'd recommend them! I hate reading, but they are soo funny.
  17. Wow, long time since I've been on here. How's everyone doing?!
  18. Haha I know. I used to be on that one!! And when i was on the British and Proud one, we did LOADS!! I can't remember how many, but it was shocking. haha... Lets set us a challenge!!
  19. Ergh, School. well, I'm back on monday. Woohoo. Tis very boring. Have you heard of the Georgia Nicolson books??
  20. Oh really!! That's shocking!! haha, I cut my fringe the other day. I feel the ground erupting under my feet!!
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