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Everything posted by hevalump

  1. Morning Wendi.. How're you this fine morning.
  2. I agree with you...But it's still unique!!
  3. Yeah! I'm so jazzed! I can't wait! My best friend est coming too. It's gonna be a blast! You going too??
  4. Yeah, I only know too well!! How've you been?? Dad says night, as he is off to le land of nod.
  5. Hey! I found this thread by accident, (xx_emily_x) I love my converses. I wear my all-black ones at school, and my pinstripe ones everywhere!! ooh, my starry ones are my fav!
  6. NightNight Wendi!! Sweet dreams!! Bon nuit!!
  7. yeah, oldings. haha!! Ah, you're young at heart!!
  8. Oh, the worst part is when my dad sings (quite loudly) along when my friends are in the car. But they join in. It is like a hole should open and swallow me!! I'm like:shocked: haha trés amusant. Haha very funny.
  9. Haha, yeah, my dad wouldn't be happy if that happened to him!! According to my *looks aroud room then whispers* source *regain normality* Mika has been played all day on local radio.
  10. Yeah! I use them everywhere though!! Althouh I wrote them on science test once and got a fir warning. Bum.
  11. Yeah, but I made sure read it first!! He laughed, thankfully!! It's all in the smileys...
  12. Hmm, I love porridge. Specilly with goldn syrup on top. Dadddyyyyy...
  13. I have no idea. I think ignoring him. Haha, no I've learnt to be strong, get through it, soldier on. Ooh, how moving.
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