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Everything posted by hevalump

  1. *Puts on camoflauge outfit* Im going undercover!! I think this calls for a secret service brigade. Who's in??
  2. haha!! Goodo. I think Im going to make angel delight. But we have none. Bummer.
  3. I won't. But his profile does look a bit suspicious. No Info. And I read that comment on le blog
  4. PM who? Whats his username?? Is it Lookovermyshoulder?
  5. Just his mannorisms. His presence. argh!
  6. ARGH!!! John Barrowman p*sses me right off, :laser:
  7. I've lost the plot on this thread now,
  8. I didnt realise she was going today. I havent eaten mich today
  9. Has she gone? Where did she go? i forgot. This Jules then>
  10. I can do the accent But I have a english one. I can do welsh, scottish, irish, australian and American.
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