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Everything posted by hevalump

  1. Haha...I am. I shall leave this forum. Find one where i can learn to be sane.... Ciao for now.
  2. I think this is a safer thread to stick with. The italians dont like me anymore.
  3. Ooh, I like Pizza. Cheese on toast os my favourite meal.
  4. I thought this was a forum about Italian food? I like Spaghetti hoops... And toast. The italian cuisine is superb.
  5. I'm serious. This is a dangerous situation. It could call for the RSPB.
  6. No. I'm fine!! It's everybody else!! Living with all the crummy ones is fun. =)
  7. I had really, like, mega dark chocolate from Belguim. 80% Cocoa. JeeWhizz. I was sick.
  8. I was an italian in a pasta life. And in the future, I'm going to be Spanish. A foreign guru told me. She is well good. She had to be. £5000 a sitting. I can't wait to learn that spanish dance..the..erm...Flamingo.
  9. I am goin' to amsterdam and i woz wonderin' if you's were. or wantin' to. or just lookin' around and found me's. I woz askin' around where da best parkin' iz and someone sed Antwerp. So i sed alrite. And Anyway. yeah nah yeah nah but ah wotevashurrup. Anyway this iz a random one for chat on anything. trekshurrup Just for ya ma friend hevvy innit?
  10. That's not good. Do they know who the father is? This calls for a investigation.
  11. The hot chocolate was powder. The company went into liquidation. That's my conclusion. Lolcakes.
  12. Ooh, you would. But I think lime green is more my colour. Or lilac. Hmm...All the pleasent things in life. Jaffa Cakes are the buzz. Yummeeeeee
  13. My ICT teacher brought us in three packets of Maryland cookies. And I love ginger nuts.
  14. Dont worry. I started a thread about biscuits and people were saying what biscuits were where they live and i didn't realise how complex they were.
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