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Everything posted by weealx

  1. hi tummy bump, hope all is good, just nicked this from another thread vids are really good, hope they dont mind me sharing this; http://frontpage.fok.nl/review/7864/-Concert:-Mika.html
  2. I have spent the night listening to Sam Sparro, just coz i got the cd today, and Luke s songs really liked them, now on cd for the car, am I a spoilt oldling or what.
  3. hey vicky, how are you and the family, hamjam was hectic, but loved every minute of it, I did a walkabout and allowed common people to talk to me and have pics taken to show everyone they had met
  4. me i like pocket, I hear 21st century is to be the next single
  5. has everyone gone over to Sam Sparro
  6. that is because you are squinting your eyes to try and get a better look
  7. are you trying to set off a migraine, what about people who may suffer from epilepsy, perhaps if the flashing lights could be slowed down, sorry to be a boring old git
  8. when I was used as a body double, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. if anyone can transfer my pics from myspace album feel free to post the, I am not that techno http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=380901286&albumId=778697
  10. I am sitting here eyes closed listening to my new cd, Sam Sparro, thinking back one week ago in hamjam, trouble is I can still here Saralou singing along,lol
  11. Good Evening all, I sit here listening to my new Sam Sparro cd, had it blasting from my driving school car, had it rockin
  12. one week ago we were all in hamjam, time flies the way everyone is still buzzing from it
  13. 5 Aug 2008 20:00 Santos’ Party House New York, New York 9 Aug 2008 20:00 Troubadour, sponsored by Indie 103.1 Los Angeles http://www.myspace.com/samsparro
  14. 11 Jul 2008 20:00 Miss Libertine Melbourne 16 Jul 2008 20:00 The Oxford Art Factory Sydney perhaps this will explain why he was first on
  15. hi rose i am not hear, how come almost every pic of you, you are on the phone. how are you, back to work yet
  16. just a quick vist, Hi CC, good to hear you are finally on the recovery road, you even sound relaxed, dont let work get in the way of you enjoying life, you enjoy looking and feeling as young as your pass pic, take care
  17. botty pics are of no interest to this grumpy old git.
  18. Van harte te bedanken alle prachtige mensen die ik ontmoet, terwijl op het concert Mika jullie zijn geweldig Van harte te bedanken alle prachtige mensen die ik ontmoet, terwijl op het concert Mika jullie zijn geweldig
  19. Summer is a good time for a little study each day, keeping the mind focused, good hear you are keeping well, enjoy summer break. some pics from the hamjam m+G, featuring Kath and Wendi, with some curly haired dodgy looking geeza http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15797&page=139
  20. now picture editor you are not, surely you could have posted better pics, so many talents and you chose the wrong one to display, but you are off the hit list, you have shown no sympathy to the old grumpy one,lol
  21. hey young oldling how life treating you, hope you are behaving and studying hard
  22. I love you too rose, I know you are only jesting
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