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Everything posted by weealx

  1. wendi has the pics, perhaps she will help you. the test was a non starter, so as the dsa did not cancel it, it is non refundable, tough on me, and I could not charge his lesson fee, coz that would have been a double whammy for him, nope I will have to bare the cost myself.. Big Issue anyone?
  2. I partied last night and still no hangover. perhaps I should try alchohol next time
  3. May I remind one and all I am niether wet or windy. at least not the last time I looked
  4. rolling about the floor again I see
  5. my pupil had to miss his test, and not being to rude i did not like the screw. Fantastic is an understatement. Hair by Wet & Windy
  6. you talk about the m+g with Mika, no-one has mentioned that I did a pre concert walkabout doing a m+g, giving fans the opportunity of talking to me, and I had the courtesy to allow some to take pics, and I spent hours with them, that must make me a saint
  7. Hiya Rose ,Wendi, and everyone else here this fine day. wendi , rose did you get a look at the pics? I partied last night, and still got up early for tests this morning, only for the first on to be a no go, there was a screw in one of my tyres, ,then it was a mad dash round town trying to find a tyre place open, finally got quick fit, saved a new tyre cost and repaired the old one, cancelation still cost me £100. how has everyone else been?
  8. nonstop film show, just think of the royalties
  9. now i must go get ready for tonights party, will be back to read all the nice comments later
  10. look at my avatar, and do not forget to put your glasses on
  11. the guy in the red jacket is Alexander, that is meiks husband, not nearly as handsome as me, and i was not in Amsterdam on the Monday, it was all the others in the museum, i passed by it and took the pic as evidence,(and possible blackmail), just in case they kidnapped me
  12. for those who do not have myspace here is the link to the bebo pics http://www.bebo.com/PhotoAlbum.jsp?PhotoNbr=1&MemberId=6574565851&PhotoAlbumId=8285307388
  13. come on woman get your act together, here is the link for bebo pics http://www.bebo.com/PhotoAlbum.jsp?PhotoNbr=1&MemberId=6574565851&PhotoAlbumId=8285307388
  14. perhaps you could ask someone more techno than me to put them on the Amsterdam thread, sorry I cannot be more helpful
  15. I put the link elsewhere on the sam sparro site, hope that is not classed as spamming
  16. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=380901286&albumId=769612 some pics of the gig in hamjam
  17. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=380901286&albumId=769612
  18. he was good, and made a lot of new fans, his career is about to explode, 21st century is the next single to be released, I have put some pics on myspace, will get the link for you in a moment
  19. hi deb, I cannot get the pic hope all is good with you
  20. he was heading straight off to Australia
  21. anything i can do, you want to do better, lol
  22. who could be scared of a gentle grumpy old man
  23. calling the intelligence agencies as we speak, so now i am talking to someone who is a faint picture in my brain, but i will find a pic of you somewhere on mfc, agents are working on it as we speak.
  24. Wendi behave just because you were in s*x city, remember you have a b/f
  25. Hi Diana doesnt seem that long ago I was talking to you on another thread, are you stalking me? lol only the lucky people got to have a pic with me, unfortunately you were not around at the time, i would love to have had as many mfcers on one pic, but as you know they were scattered all over the place
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