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Everything posted by weealx

  1. thanks great aunt Kath, the reason cyber gran has not been on is you left her in Amsterdam smoking tobacco leaves with some strange people
  2. and how long did it take you to go to the takeaway? it was 2 minutes max from where we were, sneaking a look round where the artistes were I would guess,
  3. what is she going to be killed off like the dog (wellard) in eastenders, cyber gran is not a dog
  4. i never said anything, start p227 my posts are around ther, and if you were not looking below his belt you would have seen him the horrible man get cyber grans shoulder, perhaps he thinks he is holy and could heal it instead of trying to prise the shoulder off. I think i am glad you made it back safely. lol
  5. and now back to work, catch you all another time
  6. sorry FD, it is great aunt silver, she brings the worst out in me, and those who met me in hamjam will tell all, i am worse in person, and none of what they say is true
  7. that cannot be said for all of his fans a minority should have been at the football and not a concert
  8. hi Robi, are you enjoying the peace and quiet after the 2 mini wendis? hamjam was brill, I even let some of the people talk to me, 1 or 2 touched me to see if i was real, i must stop walking around in public
  9. matron is more of a poetry woman with class and culture
  10. behave great aunt Silver, a woman of your age talking like that, what will matron say
  11. hey you better not be talking about me, not in that accent, great to meet up with you, now i know you are trouble. i am not here caught this on the cyber wave
  12. and now it is time for me to hit the pillows and close my eyes, take care wherever you are, goodnight all
  13. they have paid for the priveledge so they will show them off, the day they actually saw weealx, and that will always be thier moment in life when they met me, if only everyone could have been as lucky as the chosen few
  14. Hi Carrie, hope all is well, It was a great 2 days, especially for those I allowed to talk to me, and touch me,( not there), I allowed some to have a pic with me, those lucky people
  15. they loved it especially sam sparro, she and her friend were standing away from me, but still within sight and sound,but we still exchanged glances as we sang our way through the set, especially happy ending, I was being myself having a laugh with some of the fans outside as well as inside, Meeting all the faces from here I have to say was a priveledge for them, and unlike mika, i did allow them to talk to me
  16. the debate was the same where I was, the singer in black we thought was a woman and the one in blue was actually a man, now I cannot be bothered wasting time finding out anything about them I will leave that to others. missing Sam Sparro was the biggest miss of the night for you, he certainly rocked, and worth going to one of his own gigs.
  17. believe me I am I do not like the idea of sharing this planet with other people, who mess it up, mostly with breathing
  18. I had gone, there was not supposed to be a m+g, I would not have stayed anyway, apparently those that were allowed in were not to engage mika in conversation, but he gave in to his favourite...... Wendi, who was soaking wet!!!!!!!!!! just after the gig there was a thunder storm, so we put it down to mika singing rain as his encore
  19. Mika was not supposed to speak to anyone ( his voice was almost gone, but he did speak to wendi, and put his hand on her bad shoulder), but she was ok today, I think they were glad to see me go, although there was an awful lot of pics taken, but no one would let me in them,
  20. I was spotted and shouted at before I got to the park, I met a lot of mfcers, some were amazing, some took my breath away, but I managed to get thier hands off my throat before the noose went on I ran away, and when my son and I went and found a takeaway shop and came back with chips for my posse it wasnt long before everyone wanted to know where it was, and being grumpy we told them we made them on a bonfire, after 5 minutes on the thumbscrew, I relented and told Kath, who took hours to find the shop that was actually 2 minutes away
  21. you speak for yourself old great aunt silver, some of us are still young at heart, though perhaps even younger mentally. now it is common knowledge I am more grumpy amd miserable in real life than i am when on here
  22. Hi great aunt silver, I got home 1 hour ago with my posse, left wendi, kath and rose at airport, they should be home soon. All I can say is that everyone enjoyed the day, not just the gig but for my son it was his first gig, and the whole experience of it was something else, also brought back memories of days many years ago. Sam sparro was brilliant, Hercules were one of the worst I have seen or heard and that was the opinion of all there, Mika was on top form and when my son does his stuff with camera and video from his mobile there will be some good stuff. We spent the gig with saralou, and my posse, (Jules, and her 2 girls, my 2 offspring and hevs friend sian), rose was not too far to our right at the front with some others, sara and me just seemed to jump and sing all the way through Mika,( if you need a couple of non singers as a backing group) then saralou and me are front runners, more shouting than singing, she has some energy that woman, I met quite a few mfcers, when Hercules was on we were concerned that miek would have her baby there and then, the bass was horrendously loud, most people had thier ears covered, and we were discussing if the 2 on vocals were male or female. then the stupid bus driver took me and the posse the wrong way, we eventually got back to our hotel around 12.30 am, still buzzing.
  23. in which case I hope they do not open the windows in the plane
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