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Everything posted by weealx

  1. right I will wish you all a good night wherever you may be, take care, bye
  2. Mmmmmmmmmmmm?????????????????????????????
  3. oh no! beaten up by a gang of oldies high on sonatagen
  4. I may remind you there is nothing wrong with a man in a kilt, the fact mine is a floral print makes no difference it is a kilt in my mind
  5. so now i have to bring energy drinks at my time of life
  6. Hi Robi, long time no see, I hope you are not starting rumours about me supposedly being a man
  7. now i am confused, money...........have i to get that as well? will see fred in the paper shop and see if i can deliver papers maybe he will give me money. all the way to hamsterjam to buy 2 old women a drink, that will do my street cred good, and what kind of women are they in hamsterjam
  8. have just looked at the map, the number 12 bus does not go near hamsterjam, it is a long swim and walk, i may even turn into a triathlete
  9. I had to take them out the bags as the air would not let me get many packets in carrier bag, begining to whiff a bit now,
  10. have missed cyber granny telling me to get ready for hamsterjam, so i do not know what i am supposed to do to get ready, have put cheesy wotsits in bag
  11. organised? me? obviously talking to the lastminute.hurryup.com
  12. i guessed my password and got in, the world is full of wonderful people, and in that persons life he/she is full of something, ach well life goes on. how is everybody, all you hamsterjammers geared up or the festivals too important
  13. http://mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15618 why would i have to log in on that page, i cannot remember my password and the last time i asked i did not get a reply evening all
  14. you take care cyber granny and aunty silver, and Laurel will read about our incident on monday in the local papers and news on tv
  15. so I am safe from mfc members then got to go back to my real life goodnight all
  16. how comical to pick on the afflicted. my village had a suspicious death (murder), yesterday evening, first serious crime the village has ever had, our very own midsummer murder, it was a family incident
  17. hope you got plenty for hamsterjam, party time
  18. and i am very childish as well
  19. I am going now, because miek will not speak to me, so bye all
  20. and I am trying to find what Englash people have done, it was a project that Ewan was doing at school the reason the subject came up, hope all is good
  21. the Highland games go on through the summer at venues every weekend, that wooden pole, is a telegraph pole, and it is called tossing the caber. would not doubt sincerity, and no not a holiday
  22. what have I said now? was expecting backlash from the english contingent and now i am being attacked by the Dutch, what an alliance
  23. Hi Leo, hope all is well, Just goes to show, we are a small nation of warm kind, and intelligent people. and before Silver post bandit pops in, I AM NOT THE EXCEPTION
  24. And now I am not allowed to go to Amsterdam, cos I am a trouble maker
  25. Wha’s Like Us? The average Englishman in the house he calls his castle, slips into his national costume – a shabby raincoat – patented by chemist Charles Macintosh from Glasgow, Scotland. En route to his office he strides along the English lane, surfaced by John Macadam, of Ayr, Scotland. He drives his car fitted with tyres invented by John Boyd Dunlop vetannary surgeon of Dreghorn , Scotland. At the office he receives the mail bearing an adhesive stamp invented by John Chalmers, bookseller and printer of Dundee, Scotland. During the day he uses the telephone invented by Alexander Graham Bell, born in Edinburgh, Scotland. At home in the evening his daughter pedals her bicycle invented by, Kirkpatrick Macmillan blacksmith of Thornhill, Dumfrieshire, Scotland. He watches the news on t.v an invention of John Logie Baird, of Helensburgh, Scotland. And hears an item about the U.S Navy, founded by John Paul Jones, of Kirkbean, Scotland. Nowhere can an Englishman escape the ingenuity of the Scots. He has now been reminded too much of Scotland and in desperation he picks up the bible, only to find the first man mentioned in the good book is a Scot – King James vi – who authorised its translation. He could take to drink but the Scots make the best in the world. He could take a rifle and end it all but the breech loading rifle was invented by Captain Patrick Ferguson of Pitfour, Scotland. If he escaped death, he could find himself on an operating table injected with penicillin, discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming of Darvel Scotland. And given chloroform, an anaesthetic discovered by Sir James Young Simpson, obstetrician and gynaecologist, of Bathgate, Scotland. Out of the anaestetic he would find no comfort in learning he was as safe as the Bank of England founded by William Paterson of Dumfries, Scotland. Perhaps his only remaining hope would be to get a transfusion of guid Scottish blood which would enable him to ask ---- “Wha’s Like Us” From a postcard I got from Scotland
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