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Everything posted by weealx

  1. Just relax and take it easy
  2. no Robi is going to have a nice glass of wine and some birthday cake
  3. desiderio di Robertina di buon compleanno voi ogni felicità happy birthday Robertina, wish you every happiness
  4. good day grandmother, just a quick visit, how are you today?
  5. loolipo on britains got talent
  6. would be if they lived in ivory, they would have the keys
  7. no just a good celtic name could always call it GIRL
  8. Hazel nut, just like a topic
  9. Agnes, Maggie, Senga, Nessie
  10. probably just the medication kicking in, no need to ask how you are
  11. and I thought you were a genius, turns out you are mental I loved elaine paige when i was younger, listen like listening to the dawn chorus, the birds in the morning, not Dawn French
  12. Not so long back, there would be quite a few mfcers on her at this time, now can barely get chat going
  13. and rightly so, but why is it taking so long, especially as it is being said that the new album will have covers, does that mean then the gigs coming up are going to be the same as last tour, and playing festivals is ok, until you have to cancel one of your own gigs, doesnt matter people there will still support you, instead of too many festivals get in the studio
  14. there are exceptions to the rule, but mika is no David Bowie
  15. Hi to anyone left, I will be the office goffor, By the time the next album comes out, there will be another rising pop singer, and no Mika is not in control, his managers are, why was there no plans in place for a foolow up to follow on the success of the first album, or are there plans to release the album as singles then the album, people on here like what they had been given, but now what, yes there are gigs, but most of the stuff is festivals, if that is your biscuit great, someone has pointed out the numbers on here are diminishing rapidly, waiting another 9 -12 months it will have to be good, as the flames get smaller it is harder to re ignite the fire, 1 good album or song does not make you a superstar, though the pennies may be good, will those pennies reappear after such a long wait, look back in pop history, those artistes/bands flooded the charts with constant releases, and enjoyed the long term rewards, and kept fan clubs in house asap, not taken as mugs
  16. I thought you had changed for the better irrespective of what silver says, I think you are among the top 1 oldlings
  17. where do all those pics appear from
  18. I did of course omit the word Tax before relief, sorry for any misunderstanding
  19. you could be part of his relief
  20. and all this because I am me
  21. Silver you are a wonderful person, who livens the oldlings thread with such wit, and honesty
  22. If I wasnt such a gentleman I would cut and paste
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