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Everything posted by weealx

  2. where everyone is relaxed and happy, there is an awful lot of love in the real world
  3. enjoy life and relax more, the world is not an angry place, actually quite nice and friendly, come and join us in the real world
  4. I work my pupils very hard, after all lessons are not cheap, like any service sector, you would want value for money
  5. see you are your usual happy self this evening, want to talk about it?
  6. Evening all, I am an extemely patient instructor, ask any of my pupils that have survived watching footie, Glasgow Rangers to win
  7. ok all you lovely peeps, i'm off to bed, seems like a mini friday. rest well wherever you are,(except Rose) she has to get home first, and have a peaceful night. goodnight
  8. hiya rose, you mean i'm getting a treat in hamsterjam? drive carefully home
  9. I can honestly say I have been slapped by a DEAD body, I promise it is no lie
  10. if you contact your operator, and ask them for a sim for the country you are going to the will supply one, some may charge, if they want to chARGE ASK FOR SOMEONE SENIOR AND THREATEN TO GO TO ANOTHER PROVIDER, YOU WILL GET IT FREE. sorry fingers too big for keys
  11. no prospects, it is a dead end job
  12. you would have to die a lot, and the clients would not be dead scared like live peeps are.
  13. let it commence, you made me laugh and I dont do laugh you stitch
  14. why are they putting you in a cell, and why would you want a sin while in there
  15. blames me then does a runner like most innocent peeps would do
  16. hiya, where is river st wilight, what state is it in?
  17. sorry carrie didnt know till wendi pointed it out
  18. more power to you, your brother would fit in well with some of the people on this forum good luck with school
  19. afraid of me, come and play carrie
  20. I think she has done well for herself, doesnt live on mum and dad name
  21. didnt know she was seeing anyone, is bill and hillary happy about her behaviour
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