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Everything posted by weealx

  1. thought you said gay was down the pub must get new letters on keypad
  2. wasn't me hev and ewan are on my pc, and took my fingerprints with them to frame me, so i didnt do it it was them
  3. how much do they charge, does it depend on how large the mud pool is or is there a standard fee
  4. what, rhinos charge landrovers to go in the mud, you would think the drivers would drive round the mud
  5. this is a public apology to my cyber granny, I may have been too harsh, you know i love you cyber granny, and dont wish to upset you, especially as Kath will be back soon, and i like breathing. X
  6. so do rhinos, from lying about in mud all day, wedis' days as a wrestler have paid off in the twighlight years
  7. Grand mother and that is being generous
  8. Hi Jemma what is it like to be 30 I cannot remember that far back
  9. I havent seen your sweeties, are you sure your on the right forum? not a word about my avatar, changed for the Dutch girl with a Scottish heart
  10. Hiya Vicky, seems ages since i chatted with you, hope life is good for you and you are all smiling
  11. have you remembered to wash it off yet
  12. Hi Laurel looks like you're going to have a good time
  13. Robi, enjoy your weekend, I'm sure cyber granny will be her usual tough self, admonishing to those who deserve it, as usual I'll get picked on just for being here and giving an honest account of real life. keep safe and watch out for falling stars, they land on mountains before the valley
  14. Congrats Pooh!!!! Watch out - weealx is right behind you:naughty: weealx, what is it you plan to do in the pub?
  15. someone has to help the young ones for thier exams
  16. down the pub for Pooh, well done lass, keep up the good work
  17. Hi Pooh, how is life, could you not just say you were going to collect someone from work
  18. look on the bright side, i'll still be around
  19. Hiya Robi, hope all is good in your world, that must be a big bag to pack in the mountains, does hubby have to carry it by himself, have a good w/e, and dont forget to take sat/dish to keep in touch
  20. how can you say you are pausing men when you have a b/f
  21. no need for that cyber granny, got any aspirins
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