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Everything posted by weealx

  1. questions should be easy for rose, they come from the Penguin ultimate trivia question book
  2. you would have to ensure the dd was paid, and you would need a supply of electric to keep the battery charged
  3. about 1/2 an hour by the looks of it, depends if my horse can be bothered as it tells me when and where I go, could hitch hike, so there is the question, how many of us oldlings have hirtch hiked in our younger days? I used to love it, once hiked from dundee to dover
  4. if the horse in a statue of a mounted man has 2 raised legs, how did the man die?
  5. might do, and dont overdo work the gig season is fast approaching
  6. a telephone it was disconnected in 1951
  7. try this after chat the other night. What was buried in the coffin of evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson in 1944?
  8. prisoner, "tried that but i couldn't breathe."
  9. prisoner in his cell hanging upside down; guard, " what are you doing?" prisoner. " trying to kill myself." guard, " it is supposed to be round your neck."
  10. hiya rose, hows life, are you feeling tired after working all week? suppose all the talk was partay, how is jemma she hasn't been on for a while, anyway lets get this road on a show, it is friday night again
  11. i dont have an old sock, think of me as what you really wanted to say but were always to polite. what time is matron coming round?
  12. tell them to start jogging, 6 miles should take no more than 15 minutes, you must be shattered, i'll go put the kettle on for you.
  13. Hey Cyber granny, had 2 1/2 hr nap, hows you ? got your cushion, fone off the hook, and ready to get the forum smokin' yeah ! hi to all the young oldlings or older oldlings, depending on your viewpoint.
  14. hi *carrie*, welcome did you enjoy your trip to your cousins?
  15. nope, and I may wear my skirt sory kilt but all the females are wearing trousers
  16. your too much of a lady to do that, so you get your butler to do it on your behalf, very clever
  17. hi vicky i'm grateful you proved my point on forgetfulness, I'm off to have afternoon kip, when i finished lunch. hope all is well hi to everyone else here this afternoon
  18. being an oldling has advantages, like forgetting what we are talking about, dribbling whilst posting, and posting without a stamp
  19. I've not been seen to this afternoon nurse wont clean soup off me
  20. welcome to the residential home for the old younglings
  21. go on cyber granny, start one then
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