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Everything posted by weealx

  1. blue today because the rangers won last night to do proud for Scotland
  2. hi Vicky, yep but dont I look good for my age ?
  3. Hiya fav clog wearer, I'm trying to join Anna's 69 club migraine gone now has it, ready to battle
  4. Hiya Anna, glad things are good for you, but for the fear of being thrown off the thread, you only have 4 in your club, can I join the 69 club, please:naughty:
  5. Hy crystal, if it is meant to be it will, not worth pining over the boy, if he was interested he would have shown by now, what next throw yourself at his feet, have some respect and dignity for yoursel, before obsession sets in.
  6. you will be able to study a degree in quotes at High School, think what a bright future you will have.
  7. Goodnight weealx - you have been very quiet - been bashing penguins again? Sleep well no penguin bashing tonight, watching Rangers win 2 - 0
  8. Goodnight Weealx! Hiya *carrie* checking all school work is completed before joining the oldlings, and chores, if they are all done then enjoy your visit. Goodnight
  9. As for your takeaway - you'd better build an extension!!!!! :roftl: too old for an extension I'm up early so I'm off too count the zzzzzzzzzzzz's goodnight all
  10. whats the interview for, what kind of job?
  11. Hi weealx - Ok thanks - got a cupboard cleaned out today - so feeling very smug right now - shouldn't though - there are about 4 others that are just as cluttered!! Anyone noticed - when you read the Beijing thread there is a Chinese dating agency advert at the bottom of the page clutter is good and life is cluttered with memories, good and bad. I thought that was the takeaway, I'm expecting a large delivery.
  12. hi Pooh, whats new and cooking?
  13. Hi cyber granny, bad news on hip, the things we do for our offspring, apart from your hip how are things
  14. you love your work, proof is you keep going back
  15. you are too young, and I don't look good in miniskirts
  16. no photos please, protect your modesty
  17. Hi Robi, hope you are all doing well, time for me to watch the apprentice, compulsive, if I dont get back tonight rest well and have peace.
  18. Hi Vicky, hope you and the family are good go get a freezing shower a cold shower will never do the trick
  19. hiya rose glad you are working hard, hamsterjam is going to be expensive
  20. and dress like her ssssssssshhhhhhhh
  21. Hiya*carrie* homework done, and did you hand in whatever was due in today, and are your chores done?
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