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Everything posted by weealx

  1. I used to have my toes on the wrong feet, doc said that was miximytosis
  2. 2 swollen eyes, are you sure it is not miximytosis ?
  3. just like every scotsman named weealx, thanx CC I have them saved
  4. save in your pictures, then save as avatar
  5. evening CC you are my hero, now granny can have no complaints
  6. evening all, Hey wendi, Candboys wants you to break a mug then have a bottle of nail polish explode like a bomb, I don't think that is nice
  7. waving white flag, not on granny, sure that is not your dribble cloth?
  8. hello Allegra, what a nice style of post, refreshing, keep up the good work
  9. Weealx, back to the manly Scotch avatar, are you? I like. Hi great Aunt, hope you have a good day. never showing my face again
  10. first one on today, so welcome everyone, enjoy your vist, I may not be here because of the twilight zone, by my spirit is always here, enjoy your visit.
  11. well ladies time for me to wish you all a peaceful night wherever you are, 'till we meet again, goodnight
  12. not penguins for me, I hit wet paper bags, but only just, big scores just for making contact, even bigger if you can punch your way out of them
  13. Ewan did it not me, he asked who is the penguin basher, then remembered it was cyber granny, wendi
  14. Hi Rose, hope your ok and busy 11wks 6days to hamsterjam I'm not it is Wendi
  15. Hey Pooh nearly forgot in all my self pity Congratulations on your results
  16. FD deleted my postcards, even the postie had a smile
  17. you could have added; gorgeous, sexy, intelligent, funny, every womans and some guys dream. or you could have lied
  18. I cannot compete with all those lovely pics, probably put it out for halloween
  19. it might offend some people, anyway I'm in the huff. and I scored 2579.26 I am to sensitive
  20. put it away before it gets deleted
  21. At the moment, though, my little one is just getting over the chicken pox (so I might be off the computer soon).[/font][/size] Hi Suzy, wish the little one well. dont want to send a virus over pc, especially as Kath has got chikens. be good and be safe
  22. go get it done and tell us the result when you get it success comes before work ------ only in the dictionary
  23. I thought they were just seaside postcard stuff, obviously I must stop going to the seaside
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